Input Based Selling

Input Based Selling


Input Based Selling is used by jobs that are assigned to a Charge Type with a Billing Type of Input Based. New invoices can be created through Job Sales Invoices for these jobs.

This billing type collects all job transactions including TimesheetsAP Invoice Enquiry, Plant Issues, AdjustmentsDisbursementsDaily Diary Stock Issues, and optionally Purchase Orders up to the Invoice Trans To Date field. This facilitates "Cost Plus" and "Do & Charge" style jobs. If your job includes the selling of Job Outputs as well, the Input and Output Based billing type is more appropriate.

Additional charges to those charges generated from the Transactions on the Job being invoiced can be added at the time of billing by using Surcharges and Discounts. These can be a % of the sales value which is derived from the sales value at the time of billing or as a fixed Rate. Common uses for this can be applying discounts, adding Fuel charges, or a very particular scenario for Equipment Hire businesses where a Limitation of Liability can be charged. See details of how to configure this here.

For more information about pricing and sell rates, see Price Code & Input Billing Overview.

Screen Guide:

  • Job Code is the job this invoice relates to.

  • Client is the client Company of the invoice.

  • Invoice Title is the billing title, defaulting to the job description, but can be modified here or the default in Job Maintenance.

  • Invoice Format determines what type of report is generated when sending the invoice to the client.

  • Billing Address defaults to the job's default, but can be changed to any address for the Client Company.

  • Billing Contact defaults to the job's default, but can be changed to any person listed under the Client Company.

  • Email Option can be chosen from the following, where Company Postal is the default Postal Address in the Client Company:

    • To Billing Contact Only

    • To Billing Contact, CC Company Postal

    • To Company Postal, CC Billing Contact

    • To Company Postal Only

  • Invoice Number is automatically generated based on the Setting "Next Job Invoice Number". This setting can be altered to produce different ranges of invoices based on FinCo, Location, Profit Centre, or Global.

  • Claim No is not used with this billing type.

  • Invoice Date defaults to today's date but should be updated to reflect the intended date of the invoice/claim.

  • Year/Period results from the Invoice Date selection.

  • Invoice Status can be one of the following:

    • Entered means that it has been created, but not yet approved. It may or may not need additional data before being approved.

    • Approved means that an authorised approver has clicked approved for this document, indicating that it is ready to be sent to the client. It can be unapproved at any time and edited.

    • Sent means that the document was finalised and implies that the invoice was actually sent to the client. It can be unfinalised, but a copy of each sent invoice will be attached.

    • Updated means that the invoice has been exported with its batch to the financial software. The invoice cannot be edited to retain consistency with the financial software.

    • Cancelled means that someone clicked Cancel in the invoice, removing all data but leaving a record of the cancelled claim.

  • Invoice Trans To Date determines the last date that job transactions will be included in the billable list in Get Sales. It defaults to the end of the current period but can be changed.


  • Comment is a free text area to include messages or notifications on the invoice. This is visible to the client in standard reports.

  • Due Date is determined by the Client Company's payment settings, but can be manually changed.

  • Job Status is usually set in Job Maintenance, but can be updated here. This is useful if completing the final invoice for the job or if you have custom Statuses.

  • Claim Reference is an optional text field for any useful references.

  • Log No will display the Service Log Number and the Service Log Order Number if this invoice was created from a Service Log. It is also a hyperlink to navigate back to the Log.

  • Billing Type is determined by the Job Maintenance settings.

  • Bill POs is used in Input Based Selling for situations where you want to bill the client the value of unprocessed Purchase Orders.

  • Batch displays the AR Invoice batch number that this invoice is located in, and is populated automatically after the invoice has been finalised.

  • Prepayments is the net balance of the Prepayment Sales Code for the parent Job Code and all sub jobs.

  • Job Value is derived from the Job Maintenance field of the same name and is used when billing Quoted jobs the value will be populated when Get Sales is clicked. Otherwise this is a reference-only field.

  • Order No is derived from the Job Maintenance field of the same name and can be manually entered/updated here. This is the Client Company's PO number given to you.

  • FC Rate is the Foreign Currency rate.

  • Currency is the Currency derived from the client Company.

  • Created By is the User that created this AR invoice.

  • Approved By is the User that approved this AR invoice.

  • Approval Required By is the current User assigned to approve this AR invoice. The user must have appropriate Permissions to approve AR invoices.

  • Created Date is automatically populated when the invoice is created, and is not necessarily the same as the Invoice Date.

  • Edited Date is the last date that this invoice was edited.

  • Printed Date is currently unused.

  • Approved Date is the date that the Approved By user approved this invoice.

  • Claim Submitted Date is an optional manual entry to track when Contract Claims are submitted, as opposed to the final invoice.

  • Updated Date mirrors the Edited Date field.

  • Cancelled Date logs the date that the X Cancel Invoice button was clicked.

  • Job Completed Date tracks when the Job was marked as completed.

  • Job Finalised Date tracks when the Job was marked as finalised.

This section will be populated as a result of the Get Sales process, but you can make manual additions using + New Line outside of that process.

  • Derived shows how the line was derived:

    • - Contract Claims

    • - Input Based

    • - Output Based

    • - Manually Created (automated retention lines show as M)

  • Job is the job this invoice line relates to in the instance of subjob billing.

  • Sales Code is the Sales Code that this line uses, directing the General Ledger codes to the correct place.

  • Description is usually defaulted to the Sales Code but can be modified.

  • Work Centre is used if you are employing Work Centre-level revenue tracking, otherwise it can be left blank.

  • Quantity is derived automatically from the Get Sales process.

  • Rate is the combination of all input lines.

  • Value is the combination of all input lines.

  • GST is calculated based on the GST Type. This can be manually adjusted if needed.

  • Total is the GST-inclusive amount of the line.

  • GST Type uses the GST Type settings from the Activities of the input lines. This can be manually adjusted if needed.

  • Details can be added here but are not displayed on the claim report.

  • The Bin icon cannot be used to delete derived lines, only manual lines. Instead, go back to Get Sales and modify/uninvoice the input lines.

With Workflow Approval
With Standard Approval


  • Perform


    • Import opens the import dialogue that allows you to import invoice lines from a document. The fields must match exactly to the template provided.

    • Report Text allows you to select from predefined Header and Footer Report Text Templates that will appear in the report document.

    • Debt Management opens Debt Management screen for this specific invoice where notes can be added against this Job invoice, to be able to track any communication with the client or reasons why the invoice is still outstanding.

    • View History opens a screen with a list of events recorded as an audit trail.

    • Attach Supplier Invoices will add AP invoice PDF files associated to any AP Invoice lines that are being billed on this Job Invoice as an attachment to send to the client together with the Job Invoice pdf.

      This is to support the "Open book" contract arrangements that are increasingly common these days with escalating project costs, where instead of a fixed contract price, the client is billed for costs plus an agreed margin.

      AP invoice & AP Credit files will be zipped into a file named [Invoice Number]SupplierInvoices.zip with a File group of “AR Invoice Auto Attach”. The .zip file is attached in Job Invoice attachments. It is also automatically attached to the email when sending the Job invoice to the client. This supports AP invoices originated from Purchase Orders (not from Dockets). Note that AP Invoice & AP Credit PDFs related to Written Off transactions will not be included in the .zip file.

    • Apply Surcharges and Discounts, opens the list of Discounts or Surcharges that might be available for the Job being invoiced. See here for more details.

  • Print will open the default report, or you can click the button to open a list of available reports. The report can then be sent to the appropriate person or printed.

  • Workflow | Messages button will only display when approvals of the Job invoices are being done using Workflow Schemas for approvals (Control Parameter Job Invoice Approval Process = Workflow). It will display the workflow history and any messages sent using the workflow functionality.

  • Attachments opens the attachment window, allowing you to attach files to this document.

  • + Retention Line can be used to make manual retention lines. This withholds the specified amount from payment until an agreed time or milestone is met.

  • + New Line is used to create manual lines.

  • Cancel Invoice will convert the invoice to a cancelled state but retaining the Invoice Number. Consider whether reusing/repurposing an invoice is more appropriate than cancelling.

  • Approve / Unapprove will change depending on the state of the invoice. Assign an approver in the Dates section, or Submit or Assign the document through a Workflow. Approving an invoice locks it from being edited, but it can be unapproved to make changes. This cannot be done once the invoice has been finalised.

  • Final Invoice / Unfinalise can be done once the approver has approved the invoice. Finalising immediately opens the print window with the invoice ready to send to the client and locks the invoice. The invoice can be unfinalised by a user with appropriate Permissions, but only if the invoice has not been exported to your financial system.

  • Get Sales navigates you to the input billing screen. See the next section for more information.

  • Save commits any changes to the database. Be sure to save before navigating away from this page.

  • Removed: ← To Invoice List returns you to the Job Sales Invoices screen. This has been removed to maintain consistancey with the rest of the applictaion design. The breadcrumb menu at the top is designed to navigate back the way the user arrived to this screen (either from a Contract or from Invoice List).

Get Sales View

This tab contains all the billable transactions for this job to the Invoice Trans To Date setting, including previously deferred transactions but not previously written off. As this area contains quite a few columns, you may need to scroll horizontally or minimise the left side menu to see all fields. Or manage columns from Grid Management using ‘Input Based Sales' grid.

The are four possible statuses for each transaction:

  1. Pending (new) - This is the default state on entry and indicates ‘not dealt with’. If left as is this line will appear in other billing sessions.

  2. Invoice - This is an invoiced/billed line in this invoice.

  3. Defer - This will be dealt with at a later point, and the line appears in other billing sessions.

  4. Write Off - Decision made not to bill this line and no longer appears in other billing sessions.

  • Include Future will display transactions on the job beyond the Invoice Trans To Date setting.

  • Bill POs makes it possible to bill uninvoiced/outstanding Purchase Orders.

  • Filter options are available to help narrow down the desired transactions.

  • Type can be one of the following, and identifies the origin of the transaction:

    • JT - Job Transaction

    • JTAD - Adjustment Transaction

    • JTDI - Disbursement Transaction

    • JTDO - Docket Transaction

    • JTPL - Plant Issue Transaction

    • JTPU - Purchase Transaction

    • JTST - Stock Issue Transaction

    • JTTI - Time Transaction

    • PO - Purchase Order

    • JO - Job Output

    • EBA - Payroll Transaction

  • Date is the date of the original transaction.

  • Activity/Output is the Activity or Output used for the line.

  • Work Centre is the original Work Centre of the transaction, but can be modified here for billing purposes.

  • Reference automatically inserts identifying or extra information based on the Type of the line, from the Plant Item to the Employee Class and Time code of a Timesheet line.

  • Description displays the original transaction description.

  • Quantity is the number of units for the line.

  • Rate is the selling or retail rate per Quantity of the line.

  • % Markup is a calculation based on the Selling Value vs Cost Value. When the Markup% is entered manually, the Selling Rate and Selling Value will be recalculated based on this %. It is hidden by default in grid management.

  • Amount is the product of the Quantity and Rate fields.

  • Invoice marks this line to be included in the current invoice when the Save - Generate Billing button is selected.

  • Defer marks this line to be excluded from the current invoice but not be written off. The intention is that you plan on billing deferred lines at a later date.

  • Write Off marks this line as unbillable, reducing the sell rate to zero. You can preemptively write off transactions in bulk using Write Off Transactions. Note that this does not remove the cost incurred to your jobs, only the retail amount is removed.

  • Pending is the default status for all transactions, meaning it is not being invoiced and it is untouched. To uninvoice a transaction (written-off or Invoice status), select this status and Save - generate invoice will remove it from the invoice.

  • Future shows that this line is in a future date, activated by ticking Include Future. These lines can then be included in the invoice.

  • Details may come from the transactions themselves or you can manually adjust them here. This field is displayed in the standard invoice, so it is important to moderate any comments that are not meant to be client facing.

  • Retail is the original retail or selling amount of the transaction before any adjustments to the Quantity or Rate fields.

  • Cost is the cost to the job of the original transaction.

  • Revert causes all invoiced transactions to be reverted to being uninvoiced (the Invoice radio button is selected), and any Deferred or Written Off transactions will be unchanged.

  • Save - Generate Billing saves all changes and populates the invoice with the resulting lines.

  • Back to Invoice navigates you back to the invoice screen.


This tab includes two summaries:

  1. A summary by Activity Type:
    Activity types will be grouped by: Time, Purchase, Stock, Plant, and Other (which groups any other Activity types). It displays an analysis of the transactions invoiced on the current invoice including Cost, Markup $, Markup %, Margin %, Invoice Value.
    The purpose of it is to assit anyone reviewing or approving this Invoice, understand what’s being charged.

  2. A summary line for each Sales Code. The following acronyms are used:

  • JT - Job Transactions

  • PO - Purchase Orders

  • JO - Job Outputs


Changing Activity on Time transactions when selling:

When using Input-based billing (Cost plus) users can change the activity on a Time transaction to sell the work done by certain employees as something different. For example, work done as a Skilled Labourer to a Foreman. Typically, a Price code with a combination of activities and Employee classes would be needed so the time transaction can not only be re-costed (due to the change in Activity) but also can be re-priced based on the Price code rule for the Employee Class + the new Activity when generating the invoice.

  • The Invoice radio button has to be selected for the Activity to be editable.

  • Only users with specific permission (Edit Activity Code on Time Transactions ) can edit the Activity. And it must be someone who understands the implications of this.

  • The selected Activity will be validated as per usual against the Job Activity Group.

  • The transactions with Activity changes will be recosted and repriced on clicking Save and Generate Billing for invoice generation.

  • Activity changes will be logged in the invoice history.

Possible implications of changing Activity:

1- If using EBA and EBA was generated for this transaction, note that the new activity vs the original activity could have resulted in different Payroll results.

2- The Job Manager should be aware that this kind of change may happen, so not to be surprised that what they have reviewed and approved, might change later.

 Another way of achieving this is by using Labour Costing Groups, which set specific rules on a Job to map an Employee Class to another Employee Class automatically at Timesheet entry.

Change Activity on Get Sales - Invoice column Ticked


Next Steps:

Once the invoice has been populated, print it to preview (if necessary) and once approved and finalised it can be sent to the Client.

Related Pages:

Labour Costing Groups


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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