The Quoted billing type is used with the Quoted Charge Type and is the simplest invoicing structure in Workbench. It is meant to be used for smaller jobs that have a known price to be billed on completion and where there is generally only one invoice issued per job. When the Get Sales button is pressed, Workbench will look for the Job Value field from the Job Maintenance of the selected job and will populate a manual line with that value.
Quoted jobs also support sub-jobs with a quoted billing type. Typically, the Header job will be Quoted with a Billing Consolidation Header Job with Sub Jobs, and the subjobs could be No Charge or Quoted with a Consolidation of Invoice Parent - Revenue on Job.
Surcharges and Discounts - Additional charges or discounts can be added at the time of billing. These can be a % of the sales value which is derived from the sales value at the time of billing or as a fixed Rate. Common uses for this can be applying discounts, adding Fuel charges, or a very particular scenario for Equipment Hire businesses where a Limitation of Liability can be charged. See details of how to configure this here.