


Companies in Workbench is a place for entities including customers, suppliers, and subcontractors, both internal and external. It forms not only a directory but an integrated and central location for extended data relating to the company. This data can then be brought into invoices and reports.

Users can have editing abilities based on their assigned Roles and underlying Permissions, namely Edit Company and Edit Company Contact Details and Notes. Otherwise the data will be read only for users that have Companies in their Site Map.

Screen Guide:

Initial Screen:

This screen gives an overview of all existing companies. You can use the Filter to narrow down the list to find the company you are looking for. To create a new company, use the + New Company, and to edit an existing one, click on the Company Name field of the desired company.


Be sure you are aware of the process your business is using for company creation. Some financial integration options depend on companies being set up in the financial system first and then importing them into Workbench. If you create a company in Workbench first, it will not be transferred to the financials and subsequently invoices created under it will not export.

The Company fields below are sourced from the Template Company defined on the Financial Company. Some fields like the Payment Terms are imported from the Financial System, however, if not set, Workbench will use the Terms on the Template Company:

  • Company Type

  • Price Code

  • Location Code 

  • Branch Code 

  • Other

  • Credit Status

  • Currency Code

  • Payment Terms (Days )

  • Payment Terms Type

  • Use GST - always sourced from the Template Company.



Inactive status:

A company can be made inactive so it is no longer available for use (most commonly on Suppliers to avoid creating POs with inactive suppliers).
Depending on the integration with the Financial system this status may be synced from the financial system to Workbench.

All financial integrations via API support the syncing of the active/inactive status back to Workbench. Specifically:
SAP B1, Business Central, MYOB Accumatica (Advanced), MYOB AccountRight, Xero, Business Central/Wiise.

  • Business Central -  when the Blocked field is set to All, the company is synced in Workbench as Inactive.

Business Central

  • Xero - when the company is archived in Xero it will sync as inactive back to Workbench.

  • SAP B1 - when the company is flagged as Inactive, this is synced to Workbench. 


Create/Edit Company:


  • Company ID is a system field designed to give each company a unique ID number. This is not the number that is used in integration with financial systems.

  • Company Name is the name for this company.

  • Alpha Code is a shorthand code for the company.

  • Financial Company is the internal Financial Company this company sits under.

  • Company Type categorises the company with custom Company Types.

  • Location assigns this company under one of your Locations.

  • Currency is the default Currency for this company.

  • Price Code allows you to select from existing Price Codes to set custom sell rates for Input Based Selling. See Price Code & Input Billing Overview for more information

  • Inactive marks this company as inactive, preventing it from being used in future. If it has been used in purchasing or jobs, the data will remain for historical purposes. Companies cannot be deleted once they have been used elsewhere in the system, but if they were entered by a mistake, the system administrator can use a Utility to remove them.

  • Subcontractor is a tickbox used to mark this company as a Subcontractor and therefore able to be used in the Subcontracts module. It also enables the Insurances Tab after saving to track insurances. A subcontractor must also be a supplier, but a supplier not necessarily a subcontractor.

  • Upvise indicates whether the company will be synchronized with Upvise.

  • Client marks this company as a client, enabling them to be used in Jobs and therefore be billed. A company can be both a Client and a Supplier.

  • Supplier marks this company as a supplier, enabling them to be used in the Purchasing module.

  • Other is a miscellaneous tickbox if the others do not apply. If you are integrating with the Upvise product, this is required to be ticked to synchronize the company across.

  • AR Account is the AR linking code to the financial system, and is required for companies marked as a Client.

  • AP Account is the AP linking code to the financial system, and is required for companies marked as a Supplier.

  • Def. Job Manager allows you to nominate a User as the default job manager for future jobs created with this company as the client.

  • Def. Account Manager allows you to nominate a User as the default account manager for future jobs created with this company as the client.

  • Payment Terms is the numerical value for days, used in conjunction with the Payment Terms Type below. This is populated by the terms configured on the Financial System, or if none set in the financial system, then the Terms on a Template Company on the corresponding Financial Company will be used instead, as a company is imported from the Financial System. Same for the Payment Terms Type.

  • Payment Terms Type allows you to nominate the payment terms for Job Sales Invoices to this company. They are used in conjunction with the Payment Terms number of days, for example a combination of Days from invoice date  and 30 will result in the payment being due 30 days from the nominated invoice date.

  • Credit Status gives you the ability to change what the company's credit status is with your company.

  • Cash Limit is a reference only field to nominate a cash limit.

  • Bank Account Ref 1-3 are also reference fields if needed to store account details.
    Xero and SAP B1 API integrations bring accross the client/supplier bank account details. Any updates on these fields will be imported into Workbench (SAP B1 requires a trigger to be installed on the SAP database for updates to trigger a sync to Workbench; for Xero s part of the standard integration).

  • GST Number is the tax identifier for this company.

  • Use GST will, when ticked, include tax on any sales to this company.


  • On creation of new companies, the Use GST flag on the company will be set to true only if the template company for the corresponding financial company has it set to true.

  • On update of the company, Use GST flag will NOT be updated.

  • Cash Only is a reference field to mark this company as a cash-only supplier or client.

  • Use Buyer Created Invoices enables the BCI/RCTI interaction with a supplier, removing the need for them to send a final invoice, instead you send them their invoice using a specific template.



This tab contains a list of all addresses used in relation to this company. It can have the main office, site address, warehouse delivery address, etc., and can be independently used in Purchasing, Jobs, and Service Logs.

Each address should have an appropriate Title and corresponding Address details. You can mark addresses as the default Postal or Physical address, making it appear by default in the appropriate report. Click More... for additional address details and email/fax.

Workbench currently supports two address formats:

  • Unstructured address: Address 1 - 6, Post Code, Email, Fax, Reference. This one will be deprecated.

  • Structured address: Street Line 1, Street Line 2, Suburb, City, State, Country, Postal Code, Email, Fax, Reference.

At some point in the future the only address format supported will be the structured format, but for now the format is dictated by the control parameter 'BETA FEATURE - Structured Addresses'. Check here how to migrate from unstructured to structured format.

This tab displays all People that are linked to this company. They can be employees of the company or other contacts such as third-party IT or other contracted persons. You can add a + New Line to add additional persons directly, then to add further details, click on the ID field to open the full People interface. These people can then be converted to Users later if desired.

People entered here can then be used in correspondence, serving as a directory for Workbench users to draw from.

Groups are used to categorise companies in custom ways that aren't already provided for reporting purposes. These are optional and can be updated independently at any time.

  • Category is the overarching Group Category for this job.

  • Group is the Job Group you wish to apply to this job.

  • Value is an optional free text value given to this categorisation.

  • You can add additional lines using the New Line link, or delete mistaken or incomplete entries by ticking the Bin checkbox.

Next Steps:

Once set up, companies can be used throughout Workbench.

You can edit companies at any point in the future.

Use setting 'Company Tabs' to control what tabs are visible to whom. This can be set globally or By Person.

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