Name is the description of the Job.
Client Account is the client Company for the Job.
Job Manager is the person nominated to be the central manager of the Job. You can set someone as a Job Manager in Users or use the Maintain option from the blue ellipsis button to edit managers.
Account Manager is the person nominated to be the manager of the client account for the Job. You can set someone as an Account Manager in Users or use the Maintain option from the blue ellipsis button to edit managers.
Profit Centre displays the Profit Centre this Job sits under.
Job Type is a category that this Job is assigned to. These categories can be used for reporting purposes, and can be maintained using the blue ellipsis button taking you to Job Types.
Use GST defaults from the Client Account used and enables the appropriate GST Type to be collected on a Job Invoice.
Admin Job is a flag that nominates this job as an administration job. This is used for reporting and filtering.