Surcharges and Discounts
This functionality allows you to configure and apply Surcharges and Discounts to any AR Invoice, regardless of the Job Type on the Job. However, the most common use is for Jobs with Input or Output charge types.
It works by adding invoice line/s on an AR Invoice, as a % of the sales value which is derived from the sales value at the time of billing or as a fixed Rate.
Common uses for this can be applying discounts, adding Fuel charges, or a very particular scenario for Equipment Hire businesses where a Limitation of Liability can be charged.
For businesses that hire equipment, and where a customer’s insurance cover does not extend to hired equipment this can be used to create a charge for that Limitation of Liability (LOL). The LOL charge is common to the hire industry and is normally 11% of the Plant Hire amount.
Surcharges / Discounts are only applicable as follow:
Job Sales Invoice Type = Invoice (not Claims)
Invoice status must be either Entered or In Progress.