Surcharges and Discounts

Surcharges and Discounts


This functionality allows you to configure and apply Surcharges and Discounts to any AR Invoice, regardless of the Job Type on the Job. However, the most common use is for Jobs with Input or Output charge types.
It works by adding invoice line/s on an AR Invoice, as a % of the sales value which is derived from the sales value at the time of billing or as a fixed Rate.

Common uses for this can be applying discounts, adding Fuel charges, or a very particular scenario for Equipment Hire businesses where a Limitation of Liability can be charged.

For businesses that hire equipment, and where a customer’s insurance cover does not extend to hired equipment this can be used to create a charge for that Limitation of Liability (LOL). The LOL charge is common to the hire industry and is normally 11% of the Plant Hire amount.

Surcharges / Discounts are only applicable as follow:

  • Job Sales Invoice Type = Invoice (not Claims)

  • Invoice status must be either Entered or In Progress.

Screen Guide:



A list of Surcharges or discounts can be created on this screen, and each line can be linked to one, multiple Jobs/companies (clients being invoiced) or none at all via the Links column. All discounts/surcharges are available to be applied on all Invoices, however, there is a way to default them as selected to make it easier when billing, and this is by adding the right Jobs or Clients to the Links when setting up the Surchage/Discount. An Auto Apply option is also available.

A. The list of Surcharge and Discounts is accessed from the menu Billing - Billing Setup - Surcharge and Discounts.
B. A surcharge (or discount) is defined either as a Percentage or Fixed Rate, with positive values for surcharges and negative for discounts. One or the other, not both.
C. The Invoice Sales Code and Invoice Description define the data for the generated line on the AR Invoice.
Typically, new Sales Codes will be created, one for Discounts and one for Surcharges, with their respective GL Codes to track this revenue separately in the Financial system.
D. Apply to Codes (Calculated Sales Code) specifies the Invoice lines Sales Codes on the AR Invoice to which the Percent is applied. To apply the discount or surcharge to:

  • any sales Codes use the default value: {Any}

  • to multiple Sales Codes, add a list of them separated by a comma and NO SPACES: SALES,SALESMISC,PROJ
    Sales Codes in the AR invoice, to a list of Sales Codes, or to one Sales Code only.

  • only one Sales Code can also be used.

  • If an invalid code is entered (included spaces), an error will be displayed.

E. Link: The surcharge/discount links specify where this will be selected by default on the AR Invoice when navigating to the 'Apply Surcharges and Discounts' button, but not applied by default, and is based on either Job or Client.
If the discouns it to be applied by default to an invoice once the Invoice Lines have been created, the Auto Apply can be used.



Manual process (not Auto Apply):
F. On invoicing a related job or client company, use the Perform option to display the Surcharge and Discounts popup.
G. The linked surcharge/discount will be auto-selected and the user may choose to amend the selection as required.
H. Click apply to evaluate the surcharges and discounts that insert manual invoice line based on the setup.
I. The surcharges and discounts are evaluated individually in order of sequence. In the example, two rules were linked and applied.


J. Rule Sequence 10 ‘$115 discount’ is applied as a fixed value of -$115 with a ‘Sales’ sales code.
K. Rule Sequence 20 ‘3 pct surcharge’ is applied as 3% on the total of lines with ‘Sales’ sales code: 3% * (7175.58 - 115) = 211.81
Depending on the generated lines' sales code, a later rule may apply to an adjusted value.


Next Steps:

Discounts/surcharges that have been linked to a Company or for any of its Jobs from the Discounts and Surcharges screen are also displayed from the Company’s details on the 'Surcharges and Discounts' tab.


When is the Auto Apply discount/surcharge applied?

It is only applied after invoice lines have been created and saved.

Can I delete discount/surcharge lines created by Auto Apply functionality?

Not really. Once you delete these auto-created lines, the system will generate them again after saving. If the Discount/surcharge is not to be applied every time, then the Auto Apply should not be ticked, and it should be a manual process of applying the discount/surcharges when required.

The workaround to delete auto-applied lines is as follows:
1- Remove the Auto-Apply on the links of the Discount/Surcharge maintenance screen.
2- Open the Job Invoice, delete the surcharge lines and save.

Can I amend the invoice after the surcharge/discount has been applied?

Yes, you can. However, you need to delete the surcharge/discount lines that were applied to the original invoice lines' values. After changes are made to the invoice, the discount/surcharge can be applied again with the Apply Surcharges/Discount button, and it will be applied to the new invoice lines' amounts. In the case of the Auto-Apply, lines must be deleted and will be created again based on the updated invice lines’ values on save.

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