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Plant issues are used to charge jobs for the use of Plant, specifically individual Plant Items at an assigned Plant Rate Code.
Plant is a resource used in part of delivering a construction project. In Workbench the usage of the equipment is recorded on theproject job as a Plant Issue transaction, the Plant Issue Debits the job (Cost) for the equipment and the Plant Item gets a Recovery (Revenue) as it was productive. Rate Codes allow you to vary the rate for which you wish to cost individual equipment items and Rate Codes can be made up of a number of up to 3 components which can be mapped to different recovery accounts (Base, Overhead, Other).
A suggested usage of the 3 rate components is:
Base - Machine Charge
Overhead - Factor to cover Repairs & Maintenance
Other - Fuel Component where you are charging equipment inclusive of fuel.
Examples of Rate Codes could be:
Hourly Hire
Hourly Hire ex Fuel
Idle Hire
Off Hire
Plant issues can either be captured reactively via Operator Timesheets, Daysheets, Plant Issue Batches or Upvise Daily Diaries. Alternatively Plant Assignments can be used to generate Plant Issues in Bulk. This is especially useful in dry hire scenarios where you want to generate large volumes of Plant Issue transactions in one go
To enter Plant issues directly on a batch a batch must be created first. Once a batch exists for the appropriate Period, plant entries can be made inside it. The Batch will be created for the Financial Company of the Plant item, and the productive Job where the plant is being issued can be on the same or a different financial company.
Screen Guide:
Initial List:
The initial list displays existing batches, and you can use the Filter to narrow down the list.
Use + New Batch to create a new batch, or click on the Batch No field to enter or adjust entries in existing batches. Click the blue ellipsis button and select from Edit Batch to adjust the batch itself (not its entries) or Assignment Bulk Issue to issue plant in bulk based on Plant Assignments.
Create Batch:
The Batch Date must be in the same Period that you want to issue plant in.
Give the batch a Reference so that it can be easily referred to.
Choose the Financial Company that owns the plant if you have more than one Financial Company.
Click Create Batch once you are finished.
Batch Details:
Once you've created the batch, this screen is where you issue plant against jobs inside the Batch No indicated. Click the + New button to enter a new blank line.
Date is the date of the transaction.
Job is the Job you want to issue the plant to. This job will be charged the Cost.
Plant is the Plant Item you want to issue. The item must be part of the same Fin Co as the batch.
Rate Code populates the default Plant Rate Code set for the Plant item selected, but can be changed to other allowed rate codes.
Activity defaults based on the Plant item's default.
Work Centre should be chosen from allowed Work Centres on the job.
Quantity is the number of Units that you want issued.
Unit defaults from the Rate Code used.
Cost Rate defaults from the Rate Code used.
Cost is the product of the Quantity and Cost Rate fields.
Details can be entered as free text for any related details to the issue.
Reference defaults to the Plant item's job code.
Save the screen after making any changes. Use the Assignment Bulk Issue button to navigate to the bulk issue screen (see below).
Printable reports are located in the Edit Batch window (see below).
Assignment Bulk Issue:
To use Bulk Issues, Plant Assignments will need to be created first. Once they are created, select the desired Date (or date range) and Plant Assignment fields in the Filter and click Apply Filter. A date range greater than a month cannot be selected, this is to avoid generating large amounts of Plant Issues by mistake. An error message will advise 'Please specify a date range of a month or less.'
Next, ensure the Job, Activity, and Work Centre fields are correct and the Quantity matches the Unit. Tick the rightmost column for each line you want to include in the bulk issue, with the column header selecting all lines. Click the Confirm Issues button to commit the issues to the batch, and View Transactions to return to the batch details.
Edit Batch:
This window is accessible from the blue ellipsis button and shows header details about the batch, but not the contents. You can Close or mark the batch as Not For Export here, as well as in Export Control.
To view a list of the batch contents, you can click on the batch number itself in the list screen, or you can click the Print button, with the option of using the arrow next to it to choose between listing the transactions by GL Account or by Plant Item.
Next Steps:
After issuing plant to the desired batch(es), the GL journals can be exported using Export Control. Once the batches have been exported, batches are locked for editing. Adjustments are available for correcting or reversing plant transactions after they are locked.