Output Schedules
Output Schedules are used to create lists of Job Outputs. These schedules are then attached to the Job Maintenance View of each job you want to enter outputs for. Outputs are then sold to the client via Output Based billing.
Screen Guide:
Initial List
The initial list shows all existing Output Schedules. To edit an existing one, click the Schedule Code link on the line, otherwise you can create additional ones with + New Schedule.
Create/Edit Output Schedules
Header Section
Code is the unique code that represents the schedule.
Description should define the purpose of the schedule.
Schedule Type can be chosen from available types.
Default Sales Code is the Sales Code that will be populated by default in the output lines.
Output Type can be Standard for regular Output Based billing or Output Claims for Contract Schedules that include output billing.
Inactive marks the schedule as inactive, unable to be applied to future jobs. Existing links need to be manually changed.
Effective Date is the date this schedule is effective on.
Currency is the desired Currency of this schedule.
Approved By shows the user who approved this schedule.
Valid From / To is the range of dates this schedule is valid from a to.
Standard flag is used in the Service Desk Logs' Output tab, on its [Generate Output] process.
Body Section
Seq is the optional sequence number to order the lines.
Code is the unique representation of the output line.
Work Centre is an optional Work Centre.
Description describes what the output is.
Details are available if you need more room to explain the output.
Unit is the unit of measurement.
Analysis Code is an optional code for analysis purposes.
Sales Code can be modified from the default if needed.
Rate is the amount per Quantity you intend to sell this output for during billing.
Quantity is the number of expected outputs for Output Claim type schedules.
Amount is the product of the Rate and Quantity fields.
The Bin icon can be ticked to delete unused outputs. Once an output is used, it cannot be deleted.
Next Steps:
Assign each Output Job the appropriate docket schedule in Job Maintenance View. Once assigned, use Job Outputs to issue outputs to a job, and Output Based billing to bill the client.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: