Charge Types
Charge Types are critical to the invoicing process. They are involved in the following:
A Charge Type is attached to each Job, and primarily determines the billing basis of the job.
Billing Type dictates the sell method and calculation.
Billing Consolidation dictates the relationship between Header and Sub Jobs, where the revenue will reside and whether the invoice print is consolidated.
Screen Guide:
The initial page is a list of all current Charge Types. Workbench has several standard types (listed in the screenshot) which should be sufficient for most situations.
Code serves as a shorthand label for the Charge Type as well as a link to view/edit the details of each type.
Description is the longer description of the type.
Billing Type shows which type of billing is utilised by the Charge Type.
Claim Schedule uses the Contract Claims method to create claims and subsequently invoices for the job.
Input Based is used for jobs that bill the client the transactions that are entered against the job, such as timesheets and purchases. The selling price is determined by the Price Code or the default selling price for an Activity/Employee Class.
Output Based is used for jobs that bill the client a predefined/schedules list of items as a result of the work done. The list of items are not necessarily capped like the Claim Schedule type. They are maintained in the Output Schedules and can be entered in Job Outputs or through the Service Desk module.
Input Output Based allows both Input and Output Based transactions to be billed to the client. This is useful in situations where you would need to not only bill transactions entered but a list of outputs as well.
No Charge is used for jobs which will never be invoiced, e.g. overhead and admin jobs. Jobs with this type are not billable and do not require a Billing Consolidation option.
Quoted is used for billing with manually entered invoice values. Clicking the Get Sales button when invoicing will attempt to take the Job Value field from the Job Maintenance/Billing and GL tab. Invoicing can be done from the Job Sales Invoice screen and clicking on + New Invoice. Quoted jobs also support subjobs with a quoted billing type. Typically, the Header job will be Quoted with a Consolidation Header Job with Sub Jobs, and the subjobs could be No Charge or Quoted with a Consolidation of Invoice Parent - Revenue on Job.
Consolidation - When invoicing a Job, the invoice is usually against the Parent Job in the header of the invoice. The invoice can be comprised of multiple invoice lines, each having their own Job Code. Billing Consolidation defines how the Invoice Revenue will be treated. The settings allow the revenue from the invoice to be matched with all revenue against either the Parent Job in the header, or split amongst the Subjobs on the invoice lines. The Billing Consolidation options are:
Invoice Job - Revenue on Job: For invoicing a single job (either a Header Job or Subjob) where the revenue on that single job will be matched with the costs on that single job.
Invoice Parent - Revenue on Job: For invoicing of Header Jobs with Subjobs. The invoice will be raised against the Header Job but the revenue will be allocated to the Subjobs
Invoice Parent - Revenue on Parent: For invoicing of Header Jobs with Subjobs. The invoice will be raised against the Header Job and the revenue will all be allocated to the Header Job, not to the Subjobs
Header Job with Sub Jobs: For a Header Job where there is a Header/SubJob relationship and no need to have a "Get Sales" button for the Header Job. A SubJob must not have "Header Job with SubJobs" as its Billing Consolidation or it will fail.
Note: Because it is the lowest level job in a relationship that dictates the Billing Consolidation it does not really matter what the Billing Consolidation is on the Header Job where you are invoicing the SubJobs.
The preferred Billing Consolidation for the Header Job is always "Header Job with SubJobs" unless you want to sell the Header Job as well.
If you wish to create additional types, click + New Charge Type to open the popup window. Clicking on the Code field of an existing type will display the details of the type.