


Settings is accessible by system administrators and contains several options to modify various aspects of Workbench. Here you will find items that are contained in the Setup WizardUsers, and other system administration pages. The benefit of accessing these shared settings here is that entire lists can be managed in bulk, rather than person by person, e.g. approval limits and email flags.

Some settings are global but many are managed by lists of specific groups or people that the setting applies to. These are different from Control Parameters, which are all global.

Screen Guide:




The list can be filtered by the Description, Category, and Data Type columns.

  • Description is the name of the Setting.

  • Details are further details on the Setting or what values are meant to be set. Text that is too large for the box can be viewed either by hovering your mouse over the field, or by clicking on the blue pencil to expand the text into a tooltip box.

  • Category is currently only used for a select number of settings and classifies Settings into groups.

  • Data Type is what type of data is expected to be entered when editing values. For reference:

    • Boolean is a yes/no, 0/1, off/on value

    • Integer is a number that is not a fraction

    • Text is free text

    • Date is a valid date value

    • Html is a valid web page address

  • Each Setting has a range of application levels, and the tick in the respective column indicates that the Setting is available at this level or levels:

    • Global means that it is applied globally to all users and groups.

    • By FinCo applies the Setting to a specific Financial Company, allowing different Settings for each.

    • By Location allows each Location to have separate Settings.

    • By Profit Centre will apply the Settings to specified Profit Centres.

    • By Company applies the Setting to a specific Company.

    • By Person allows each Person to have an individual Setting. Tick means enabled, untick means specifically disabled for that person.

    • Last Update information with time and person. Click to display the history.


  • Edit is the hyperlink that will open a pop-up box with tabs according to which of the above groups are available. Note that the effect of a Setting must be kept at a consistent level; if there is a Global value in place, any other values would be overridden by the Global value.

    • Remember to click Save & Close or Save to commit changes.

The above example shows the Person tab of the "Dashboard Tiles" Setting. Here, each person has their own tile Settings that were saved when they made modifications to the tiles on the Workbench home screen. You could potentially create a standard dashboard that could be Global, or based on a Financial Company or Profit Centre. In this case, the "Value" column is Text, but other Settings may have other requirements such as a numerical value for a cost approval amount.

Be sure to Save any changes you make after changes.

Next Steps:

After making any changes, be sure to clear the Application Cache to ensure the changes take effect.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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