Leave Management
(This page is under construction, click here to see legacy documentation.)
Module Overview:
The purpose of this module is to :
Enable employees to apply for any Type of Leave online.
Enable employees to see a list of all their Leave requests, regardless the status or dates. Using the filter criteria to find specific ones in 'My Leave Requests' list.
Enable Leave to be Reviewed and/or Approved electronically, and once approved, have the Leave optionally added to the employee's Timesheet for the appropriate week / period.
Have the possibility to have a Review step followed by an Approval step or an Approval step only, by Leave type. Also have Leave Reviewers and Leave Approver by Timesheet group.
Ability to set up all the aspects of the Leave type in one Leave Management screen.
Ability to set certain leave types to be approved as the user requests them.
Generate emails between the Employee and Reviewer / Approver
Provide appropriate auditing of changes to requests
Provide a "Scheduling" graphical type interface for the leave requests per person / everybody.
Attach a file to a Leave Request eg. A Doctors note to a request for Sick leave.
Provide Administrators with a facility to request leave on behalf of an Employee.
Provide a facility for multiple leave requests on behalf of Employees.
Is not compatible with Intercompany. Each country will have to request leave for their own employees. The Job/Activity/WorkCentre selections in a Leave Request will be based on the requester's FincoCode, so a user from an external DB cannot request a leave on a local DB for a local user. Requester must be from the local DB.
Allow for the import of outstanding Leave Entitlements from a Payroll system, so the User has a visual account of their current Annual Leave Balance.
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