Released 30-Jan-2018
- Timesheets - Labels, pre-populate start time, make WC optional for Plant items
- Stock Mobile entry - added Units
- Claim Schedule Detail - Validation rules were also applied to 'blank' new lines; this will be removed to improve the user experience.
Released 23-Jan-2018
- Report installation TSQL script updated
- Does not update Default flag on reports, only set it for the first time when we create record.
Base Release 4.2.12
Released 22-Jan-2018
New Features
- Cashflow tab - A new tab on the contracts screen now allows for Cashflow functionality as similarly supported in the mde.
- When creating a forecast, the corresponding cashflow is auto created, so there is no explicit creation of a cashflow.
- The 'To Complete' displays the total value to complete as per the forecast, and the 'Variance' display the difference between the 'To Complete' and total in the cash flow.
- Cash flow values may be entered directly into the cells, or copied across cells by dragging as per a spreadsheet.
- Spread can also be obtained using the spread popup functions; remember these require that you highlight the lines to which it is applied.
- Homepage - The homepage tiles have a refreshed look with matching icons. This is extended to custom tiles so that Font Awesome icons may referenced. This will be automatically visible to users with default tiles but users with any custom tiles will have to recreate them to display the icons.
- Portal Lists - A 'Create Tile' option is now available on the Job, People, Companies, and Invoices List. This function creates a homepage tile with your criteria from the last applied filter criteria of the respective list, and you are able to have multiple tiles to the same list with different criteria as required.
- Job Claim Schedule Details - The Claim Schedule detail screen is refined following the previous release to now provide drag-drop ordering and setting of structure level to provide an intuitive user experience. These were previously done manually using text inputs. The import process is also compatible with ordering and structuring.
- Drag-and-drop a grid line to set the order. Note moving a header line moves its corresponding sub lines with it; you may move a schedule line from one header section to another. Refer (A).
- If required then select a line (highlights in green) and click Set Level 0 to set it to the highest level like 'Airfares', refer (B).
- If required then select a line (highlights in green) and click Set Level 1 to set it to the second level like 'Documentation', refer (C).
- Drag-and-drop a line over another line to set it as a sub level.
- The previous 'Parent' and 'Code' columns have been removed as they are auto set based on this functionality, refer (D).
Feature Revisions
- Weekly Timesheet - An issue defaulting an appropriate date on a new timesheet was rectified for Daily and Weekly timesheets.
- Daily Timesheet -
- A LogHeaderID field has been added to the Daily Timesheet and Mobi Timesheet.
- An issue defaulting an appropriate date on a new timesheet was rectified for Daily and Weekly timesheets.
- A LogHeaderID field has been added to the Daily Timesheet and Mobi Timesheet.
- Mobile Timesheet -
- The stock issue of the Mobile Timesheet now limits the stock items listed based on the selected Stock Location.
- A LogHeaderID field has been added to the Daily Timesheet and Mobi Timesheet.
- An issue where re-calculation of quantity when end time is changed was rectified. Previously we only calculated it if quantity was 0.
- An entry of "Driver: FullName" is auto added for each Plant entry if Note/Description filed is empty.
- Budget Details -
- An issue saving long Budget Type names was rectified. The maximum length was extended to 50 characters.
- On Budget Entry the FC Retail Rate is auto updated if FC Revenue is edited. This did not recalculate previously.
- An issue saving long Budget Type names was rectified. The maximum length was extended to 50 characters.
Work Breakdown
- Job Template - There was an issue where the default docket schedule had to be explicitly selected to save; and this is rectified.
- Activity Details - GST has been included in Time and Plant activities to support their use for docketed entries where these aspects apply.
- General - The field size of Job Description is increased from to 100 characters. To enable its use by setting the control parameter "Use Long Job Description" as required. Default is 'No'.
- Job Enquiry -
- The amount values on Job Enquiry - Summary and Details tabs were displaying rounded dollar values, these now display to the cent.
- Excel Export on filter feature was extended to the following (high level only) grids on Job Enquiry - Transactions, Orders, Outputs, and Invoicing.
- Purchase Orders List - Purchase Orders List filter PO Number now defaults as blank instead of 0.
- AP Invoice Entry -
- The AP invoice line Details now includes the Line Code, Line Description and Details from the PO line.
- There was an issue where the AP Invoice was not editable to users with sufficient AP Approval mandate, but only to assigned approver. This has been rectified.
- Get Sales -
- The auto addition of supplier name into docket line details was removed; and a 'View Details' column added in Get Sales Unbilled and Billed tabs that displays the supplier company name for PO and Docket transaction to assist on screen identification of transaction.
- A control parameter 'Force WriteOff Reason' has been implemented for billing. Previously details were always mandatory when performing a write-off; this is now controlled by the control parameter.
- Job Invoice Details - Validation warning has been added to Invoice Date for Job Invoices to check if the date is in the current period; and also an error should the period record for the date not be defined.
- Retention Management - There was an issue where job retention releases created from the Retention Management screen did not increment the claim number; and this is rectified.
- Subcontract Details - A MS Internet Explorer specific issue where the browser was caching values so that returning to screens after an update was displaying previous values was rectified.
- Subcontract Claim Detail -
- The subcontract claim Main tab now display both the Payment Due as per the subcontract days for reference, and the editable defaulted to the same. Should the subcontract days not be specified then the default will be the number of working days from Received Date as defined by control parameter 'Subcontract Claim Default Payment Days'.
- An 'Unbatch' button is now available on a subcontract claim to revert non-exported claims to the default batch.
- There was an issue where subcontract claims were batched into the batch matching the job finco rather than supplier finco. This has been rectified.
- Work Orders List - Work Orders List totals formatted to include commas.
- Work Order Details -
- An error was reported on saving a work order when Line Code was hidden using grid management. This is rectified.
- As per mde, the address on a new WO will default to the Postal Address of the respective Subcontract - Job - Client's postal address.
- Datasheet Templates - Deactivate column added to the list to disable a template from future use, and hence not available for new datasheets.
- Datasheet List - The new datasheet displays immediately on creation instead of having to and and click from the list.
- Datasheet Details - A Delete button added whose display is limited by 'Delete Datasheet' permission.
- Inwards Goods - The existing mde control parameter 'Receipt more than To Receipt' is now recognized by WebWB on the Inwards Goods screen; and determines whether quantities in excess of the balance may be receipted in the process.
- Stock Locations - Stock Locations can now be maintained on WebWB from System Setup - Stock.
- Report Maintenance - Report Filename has been added to the Report Maintenance screen to assist report identification. The Report Filename is also displayed as a tooltip when hovering over print button option lists and report dashboard names.
- Standard Document Reports - The following document reports were previously hardwired and are now consistent with the report framework used elsewhere through the new report type introduced:
- Other-Subcontractor Daysheets: report type 'Contractor Daysheet'
- Other-Stock-Deliveries: report type 'Stock Delivery'
Human Resources
- Upgrades - An issue where the attributes/columns changes of the tables get reverted to the default settings on and upgrade are rectified. From version 4.2.12 we do not override Width, Hidden, Priority and Required properties of the attribute. In general, if you want to override default values or a description, create a new column instead.
- Utilities - There was an issue with the use of wbImportItems SP when not using the Additional Parameter. it was rectified for WebWorkbench.
- Email Templates - Two additional tokens $BillingContact and $CompanyName are now available on the email templates: Report - Claim; Report - JobInvoice; and Report - JobCredit; and can be used with scripting in the email template for greet options like:
Dear $BillingContact
Dear $CompanyName
- Scaffold - The generic Excel Export feature on the filter apply has been added to the scaffold view to support ad-hoc data export needs that may arise for consultants that will never become reports, like which companies don't have Use GST flag set.
The following controls have been upgraded to support 4 decimals:
Amount Rate
- Price Code Details - Labour / Materials / Plant Grids: Sell Rate
- Purchase Order Detail - Grid: Unit Rate
- AP Invoice - Reconcile Dockets: Approved Rate
- Purchase Requisition Details - Grid: Unit Cost
- Activity Detail: Cost Rate
- Claim Schedule - Grid: Rate
- Job Output Schedule - Grid: Rate
- Stock Item: Standard Cost Rate / Sell Rate
- Docket Cost Schedule - Grid: Rate
- Docket Cost Schedule - Grid: Sell Rate
- Price Code Details - Labour / Materials / Plant - MU%
- Docket Cost Schedule - Grid: Markup
FC Rate
- Purchase Requisition Details - Header: FC Rate
- Job Sales Invoice - Dates: FC Rate
- Job Receipting Batch Entry - Grid: FC Rate
New Reports
- wbContractClaim001 -
- Sort order for Headings changed to be by Sequence Number rather than by Heading.
- A New Contract Claim report has been provided, that allows for heading to be formed with other ScheduleOutput Lines. Order on report for Schedule types is configurable in the Status Table. Hotfix 4.2.10.x Dependent.
- Sort order for Headings changed to be by Sequence Number rather than by Heading.
- wbContractClaim005 - A new report which is a recreation from the standard wbContractClaim0300 Crystal report has been provided.
- wbTimesheetException001 - a Timesheeet exception report based on the crystal report wbTime5100.
Report Revisions
- wbJobSummary002 - Changed the Margin % Calculation.
- wbrsJobTransactions - Added TranType to wbrsJobTransactions
- The following reports received minor adjustments for presentation consistency:
- wbBatchAdjustment001
- wbBatchAPInvoice001
- wbBatchARInternal001
- wbBatchARInternal002
- wbBatchARInvoice001
- wbBatchARReceipt001
- wbBatchBatchList001
- wbBatchCCCAccrual001
- wbARInvoice001
- wbContractClaim002
- wbTime004