Hotfixes - 09 Oct 2017
Purchase Requisition Details
- Corrects the issue where changing the job in the PR header would cause the grid to be reloaded without taking into account any hidden columns. This could cause inconsistency in the behaviour of the grid.
Base Release
4.2.6 - 2 Oct 2017
Feature Revisions
- Bulk Timesheets - When entering Timesheets via the Bulk Timesheets entry function, the list of Timecodes available was being driven by the Employee Class of the logged user. This is amended to use the employee class of the person for whom the timesheet is being entered for.
Timesheet Entry - On the Timesheet Entry screen, when the Plant popup is displayed from the Plant link on the line, the details will now be editable.
- Forecast - Previously Forecast Generation would fail if a a Contract was saved with a zero currency rate. The Contracts screen has been changed to disallow zero currency rates.
- Budgets - Breadcrumbs have been added to improve returning navigation in the area of budgets.
- Job Enquiry - A filter error gave the impression that data was incorrect. This was a display issue only and is rectified.
Job Financial List - On Job Financial List the labels "Unapproved Invoicing", "Approved invoicing" and "Total invoicing" have been changed to: "Unapproved Revenue", "Approved Revenue" and "Total Revenue".
Job List - The swapping between the Job List and Job Financials screens have been enhanced for an improved experience. The filters auto sync between screens, the ellipsis is now also on the job financials, and the job list now auto loads.
Job Templates - The Job Template popup was not displaying the tickbox state of the Closed and Finalised options correctly although these were being saved and used correctly. The display issue is rectified.
- Purchase Requisitions -
If the PR line is activity based (rather than an item) then the LineCode is no longer populated with the activity.
- A new Reference field (varchar 50) has been added to the Purchase Requisition lines that will carry through to the Reference column on Purchase Order lines. This new field may require grid management reset of the specific grids to display.
AP Invoice Details -
A criterion for Job has been added to the docket recon popup on AP Invoice to assist in filtering for appropriate dockets.
Previously, works orders were incorrectly included in the list of purchase orders to apply to an AP invoice. This has been corrected.
Job Invoice
- Job Sales Invoice - When creating a new Job Sales Invoice, the Comments field will now default from Jobs.InvoiceText, and thereafter it can be edited. Note the default will be re-applied should the specified job be changed.
- Work Order Details - Work Orders now have the option to select different print formats.
- Plant Item Details - The Driver Move and Location Move actions are now paired with a mandatory date. A view of the respective audit trails is now visible with the action popups from Plant Item details.
- Docket List - A criterion for Complete has been added to the Docket List to enable appropriate filtering.
Daily Diary
- Time and Plant - The full plant picker functionality has added to Time and Plant. This previous only supported basic plant lookup.
Daily Diary Dashboard - When the supervisor on the Daily Diary Dashboard was changed, the contents of the Job selection list were not being refreshed without an explicit refreshing of the browser. This now done automatically.
Resource Maintenance
- Scheduler views - A "Scheduler Days Offset" control parameter is now available where 0 is today, negative is days back, positive is days in future; and this establishes the initial date displayed in the schedules. Also added are control parameters "Scheduler Start Time" and "Scheduler End Time" that are used as defaults for new events.
- Report List - The ReportFileName field is now initialised from the last part of the Report URL to prevent any blank name arising from new Report records added.
- User Details - A new Login Type field is available for users that allows enforcement of a specific type, either Standard (Forms), AD (Windows), or Any (null). The default is Any. "Forms" will restrict the user to ONLY login externally i.e. remotely; while "Windows" will restrict the user to ONLY login on the local network e.g. at the office.
- User Roles Matrix - In order to avoid confusion regarding the Global roles that automatically affect all users, the Global roles are no longer listed on the matrix view.
Send Email - Field hint texts have been added to provide some user guidance for the To Name, To Email, and CC Emails field should the user open the screen and all fields are blank.
Data Imports
The previous release inadvertently required import file extensions to be in uppercase. This is rectified.