Hotfix Release
Release 19 Oct 2018
AP Vouchers
- AP Voucher Detail - The calculation for Remaining is further revised to continue calculating the result as difference of values and now displaying over-invoicing as negative instead stopping at zero as per PO Outstanding; this is an onscreen calculation change and does not affect any underlying data. Also PO Line complete tickbox is now saved even if ticked without edit line mode.
Report Viewer
- Send Email - An issue where the contact name was populating by default instead of their email address is rectified.
Hotfix Release
Release 17 Oct 2018
AP Vouchers
- AP Voucher Detail - The calculation for Remaining is revised to provide results as per PO Outstanding instead of as value at PO Rate; this is an onscreen calculation change and does not affect any underlying data. Also PO Line complete tickbox is now saved even if ticked without edit line mode.
Base Release
Beta Release 15 Oct 2018
Δ #1 Job Details - The current permission "Edit Job Details" now excludes the File Attachments tab. This is now specified by the new permission 'Edit Job File Attachments'.
Δ #2 Roles - The standard 'system' roles are now editable for improved usability. This will not affect the permissions linked to the roles.
New Features
AP Voucher & AP Invoice Attachments
- The Attachments popup for AP Voucher and AP Invoice has been enhanced to provide a view of attachments to documents downstream / upstream in the new Related tab.
- Note the attached invoice image in a voucher will continue to be auto linked to the resulting AP Invoice on approval of the voucher.
Feature Revisions
- Timesheet Administration - The Employee No is now displayed after the employee name.
- Purchase Requisition - The option is now available to 'Create Tile' from the PR List's Apply Filter which places a named tile on the user's homepage as a shortcut to the PR List with the defined filter criteria.
- Purchase Order -The layout of the General section is improved to provide a larger Comment area; and the EnteredByID and EditedDate fields set.
- AP Invoice -The rate has been included and is now editable for derived Purchase Order lines, and calculates Value Ex GST. It remains editable on manual new lines, and stays disabled on docket lines.
- Contract Enquiry - Budget tab - The Excel Export option is added to the Apply Filter button of the Budgets tab, and exports the first level of the grid.
- Contract Enquiry - Forecast tab - An issue where drilling through Expected Commitments to the Job Enquiry - Orders tab did not auto apply the filters is rectified.
- Δ #1 Job Details - The current permission "Edit Job Details" now excludes the File Attachments tab. This is now specified by the new permission 'Edit Job File Attachments' and this will have to be granted as appropriate.
- Work Order Detail - A new WO Type of 'Unapproved Variations Forecast' is now available, and the respective WO is included in the forecast.
- Subcontract - The Summary tab now also displays the new WO Type 'Unapproved Variations Forecast'.
- Subcontract Claim -
- The WO date is now displayed and sortable
- On creation of a new claim you are now prompted with whether to copy through uncertified reasons from the previous claim.
- A 'New WO' button is now available.
- The 'Not Certified Reason' is now auto cleared if there is the Not Certified value is 0.
- Job Sales Invoice List - The list displays invoices with 'Cdt Incl. GST' that shows the sum of all credits applied to the invoice (as a negative by convention), and 'Outstanding' now calculates as 'Incl. GST' - 'Received' - 'Cdt Incl. GST'. For credit lines, 'Outstanding' displays as 0.
- Job Invoice -
- The GST value is now editable on the invoice details grid to allow for any rounding difference that may need adjustment; on condition of the 'Edit Line GST' permission that is only granted to Administrator by default.
- An issue billing a combination of Claims Schedule based and Output based within the same invoice is rectified.
Daily Diary
- Timesheets - This was saving zero (0) quantity time entries that caused conflicts on updating the same timesheet week in the standard timesheet screen.
Leave Management
- Leave Request - The Leave Requested Date is now non-editable and auto set when the Save & Request button is clicked.
- Leave Administration - The Employee No is now displayed after the employee name.
- My Approvals List - The list reminder email has been updated to specify more details i.e. Description, Reference, Date, Company Name and Value.
- Time Codes - The uniqueness testing business rules are improved to check Employee Class and Activity respectively and combined.
- Δ #2 Roles - The standard 'system' roles are now editable for improved usability. These were previously non-editable. This will not affect the permissions linked to the roles.
- Utilities List -
- A new utility wbUtilityGenerateBulkForecastLines is now available. It generates forecasts for all open Contracts for the period specified based on the predicate. Forecasts may not be generated for prior periods.
- Use of the utility wbUnexportBatch now appends a comment to note the Unexport event.
- A new utility wbUtilityGenerateBulkForecastLines is now available. It generates forecasts for all open Contracts for the period specified based on the predicate. Forecasts may not be generated for prior periods.
New Report
- wbContractScheduleReport002 - Introduced a new report that supports the web indentation structure and is visually based on the mde compatible wbContractScheduleReport001.
Report Revisions
wbDailyDiary001 - Job Daysheet - Add TimeCode to Daysheet Report.
- wbJobTransaction005 & 006 - Unbilled Job Transaction reports - Reports have been reformatted to increase readability.
- wbWorkflow001 - Workflow Schema Report - Added Function column to Authorities section of the report.
- Footers - Corrected an issue regarding display of incorrect footers.