Hotfix Release
Release 05 Dec 2018
- AP Voucher image - A side effect where adding an attachment to a manual AP Voucher no longer prompted if the attachment was the invoice and so did not display the invoice in the image panel was rectified..
Hotfix Release
Release 04 Dec 2018
- Predicate popup - Addresses an issue where the search criteria on the predicate popup were not being displayed.
Hotfix Release
Release 27 Nov 2018
Time Codes
- The Time Codes Maintenance has been enhanced to provide line level rate / percentage support for time code lines, and improved mde compatibility. The web previously only support a single rate / percentage option at header level. The rate and percentage based lines are respectively presented on separate tabs.
Base Release
Beta Release 26 Nov 2018
New Features
Bulk Create AR Invoices
This new Billing screen is for bulk creation of Input and/or Output based jobs. These will have a common 'Invoice Date' and 'Invoice to Trans Date', but the jobs to invoice are selected from the filtered list.
A. The 'Invoice Date' and 'Invoice Due Date' are defaulted based on the control parameter 'Default Job Invoice Date'.
B. Apply any further filter criteria required to view the desired jobs. By default the view will display all Input, Output, and Input-Output based jobs excluding plant, non-stock, and stock jobs.
C. Tick boxes are disabled where the current 'To Invoice' value is zero.
D. Use the Job link to view the Get Sales screen where deferred transaction may be included to invoice. Once the job is invoiced directly from the Get Sales screen, may no longer appear on returning to the Bulk Create screen if the 'To Invoice' value has been zeroed in the process.
E. Select the jobs to bulk invoice using the tick boxes.
F. Click 'Generate Billing' to bulk create the selected invoices with the specified dates, and these will be against the billing job.
Note these invoices must still be approved; and once approve they can be bulk finalised using 'Bulk Send Final Invoices'.
WIP Drilldown
Its now possible to drilldown on a WIP line to view the details of the calculation. Note that different WIP Types will display their respective format of the calculation and these screen are different. For further information consult the online documentation.
Plant Wizard
A basic Plant wizard has been introduced to simplify creation of new plant. Previously this process required a base job for the creation of a plant.
A. The New Plant button now displays the Plant Wizard.
B. This wizard prompts for choosing to create using a duplicate of an existing plant or manually entering all data, then clicking Create. Based on the selected action, the Plant Detail will be prepopulated with the same data as the selected plant or displayed as blank.
C. Once the Main tab is specified, the new Details tab is mandatory for further setup data.
D. The Plant can now also have specific Work Centres and associated Docket Cost Schedules.
Job Wizard
The templates available for subjobs now support the additional context of the parent's template. This allows filtering the subjob temlates based on the template applied to the parent job, rather than just by context of the subjob level.
A. When creating (or editing) a job template, the Parent Template may be specified.
B. If the parent template is specified, this is also reflected on the Job Template List.
C. When using the Job Wizard in the creation of a new subjob, we must specify the Parent Job.
D. If the parent job was created using a job template, then this is used to filter the available job templates for the subjob.
Feature Revisions
- Purchase Requisitions -
- A Line Description column of 100 characters has been added as per Purchase Orders, and is also available on the import.
- Attachment can now be made to Submitted and Approved PRs.
- The navigation back to the PR from import has been improved.
- Copying a PR will now also copy the attachment links.
- The Job and Activity columns have been moved to the start of the grid for consistency with POs.
- Purchase Order - The Line Details popup has been tweaked to better clarify the information displayed; and the AP Invoice No is now a link to the invoice.
- AP Vouchers Extraction Downloader - Updated to handle malformed dates in the invoice lines.
- AP Invoice - the Related tab on the Attached Files popup now also displays attachments made to the related mde voucher where applicable. This is labelled as an APVoucher document while web voucher attachments are against a Voucher document.
- Cashflow - A cashflow may now be Approved to disable further editing, or Unapproved to re-enable editing. This is managed through the 'Approve Cash Flow' and 'Unapprove Cash Flow' permissions respectively.
- Claim Schedule - An issue when updating the Output Code for items with subitems is rectified.
- Input Get Sales - The Unbilled Transactions tab filters now support the Excel Export feature.
- Production Measures - A display issue where the work centre descriptions were reverting to the standard form after Refreshing has been rectified.
- Subcontract Retention Release - An issue with the Excel Export where only the first page was being exported is rectified.
Daily Diary
- Time and Plant - An issue where the Save button appeared to be disabled when it should not have been, is rectified.
Service Desk
- Log Maintenance - The Extensions tab combo controls may now call a stored procedure with the primary key as parameter e.g. Combo List set to exec wbGetComboStub @LogHeaderID
- Inwards Goods Mobile - An issue on selecting a purchase order has been rectified.
- Report Viewer - A Microsoft Internet Explorer specific issue where the report viewer spinner continued indefinitely and the pdf did not display is rectified. Note that the solution requires the PDF be temporarily hidden while the Send Email popup is displayed (on clicking the envelope).
- Extension Columns - The Combo data type may now call a stored procedure with the primary key as parameter for its combo list e.g. Combo List set to exec wbGetComboStub @LogHeaderID
New Report
- wbDebtors001 - A new Debtors report Aged Debtors By Account Manager has been provided.
- wbDebtors002 - A new Debtors report Aged Debtors - Report Code Summary has been provided.
Report Revisions
wbARCredit001-2; wbARInvoice001-7 - AR Invoices and Credits - Label 'ABN No' has been changed to 'ABN' and hidden if no 'ABN' is supplied on the Location.
- wbBudgets002 - Variation Request Detailed - Fix error in the report that saw a duplication of the work 'Request' in the title.
- wbContract006-9 - Contract Reports - The Margin Variance Calculation has been corrected on these reports.
- wbContract008 - On contract report we have split out the Work Center Code and the Description to aid with readability.
- wbPurchaseOrder001-4 - Purchase Orders - GST number and Address fields added to PO Locations Data Source.