Job Enquiry Outputs
Job Outputs are used with Output Based Accounts Receivable Invoices. Using Output Schedules to create Job Outputs Entries, the resulting Outputs will appear on this tab for review.
Using the + button on the left side of each Output line will expand the view to include more details such as whether it has been invoiced and which invoice it was used in.
Screen Guide:
Job is the Job level and default sorting column.
Schedule is which Output Schedule was used to create the Output.
Output Code is which code in the Output Schedule was used.
Unit is the unit of measurement that the Output Code represents.
Schedule Rate is the rate of the Output per Quantity recorded.
Schedule Value is the total selling value of the Output.
Quantity is the number or percentage of the Output that was recorded.
Sell Rate is how much the Output is billed to the client for.
Sell Value is the total value of the invoiced Output.
Once expanded using the + button, more information is displayed:
Date is the date that the Output was recorded.
Output Detail contains any details that were entered with the Output.
Log No displays the Service Log number if the Output was generated using the Service Desk module.
Asset Code
Status can be one of the following: Uninvoiced, Deferred, Written Off, Invoiced. This status is determined when the Output is used in a Job Sales Invoice using the Output Based or Input and Output Based method.
Invoice is the Job Sales Invoice number if used, otherwise it remains blank.
Rate is the selling rate that was used in the invoice.
Qty is the number of the Output that was used in the invoice.
Value is the total selling value of the Output used in the invoice.
Next Steps:
You can find the invoice that contains an Output you want to investigate in Job Enquiry Invoicing, or Job Sales Invoices if it is in a different or unknown Job. Job Outputs is a great place to look for Outputs in all Jobs.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: