Job Contract
Module Overview:
The Contract module in Workbench offers a more detailed method of controlling projects. The name "Contract" does not imply that all jobs with a physical contract will use the module, but rather ones that need to utilise Progress Claims, control Retentions held, or produce Forecasts and Cashflows. You can create New Sub Jobs that become part of the Contract and can be managed using this module.
When creating a new Job, you will be asked if you wish to also enable the Contract module for that Job, directing you to the Contract Settings tab if you agree. If you don't, you can enable this module in the future by clicking on the button +New Contract on the Job Maintenance screen.
Tip: To hide/show the tabs on the Contracts screen you can use the setting ‘Contract Tabs’, and control who can access these tabs by User or at a Global lebel.
Child Pages:
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Process Flow: