Job Outputs Entry
This screen is used to enter new Job Outputs for Output Based billing. Before entering Outputs, you must have already created Output Schedules and attached them to the appropriate Jobs in Job Maintenance View.
Screen Guide:
Click + New Outputs to create a blank line. You can also Import data from a file as long as the data matches the template exactly.
Date is the calendar date that you want this output to be recorded on.
Job is restricted to Jobs that have Output Schedules attached to them. If the job you intend isn't selectable, check the Job Maintenance View of that job for a valid Output Schedule.
Schedule allows you to select from all Output Schedules attached to the job. Jobs can have multiple schedules attached to them.
Output is the specific Output from the schedule that you are recording.
Work Centre optionally lets you specify the Work Centre that the output is recorded on. As Outputs are not costs but rather sales, we can optionally track sales against Work Centres.
Reference is an optional field for reference information.
Unit is the unit of measurement from the schedule output.
Rate is the sell rate determined by the schedule output.
Quantity is the number of outputs you want to record for this line.
Amount calculates the product of the Rate and Quantity fields.
Detail is a space to record any other information about the output.
The Bin icon can be ticked to remove accidentally entered lines when the Save button is clicked.
After you enter all desired output lines, Save the entries to commit them to Job Outputs. The following message will appear when this is successful:
Next Steps:
Saved outputs can be managed in Job Outputs, and eventually billed to the client using Output Based billing.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: