Job Enquiry Financial Summary
This tab provides a summary of the actual financials of the Job and Sub Jobs, as at the Financial Period stated. Data from future periods is not included. Visibility of this tab can be restricted with the "View Job Summary Tab" Permission.
Screen Guide:
Use the Financial Period to change up to which Period data is included.
The table shows the financial data in MTD (Month To Date), YTD (Year To Date), and LTD (Life To Date) calculations. Remember that the LTD calculation is limited by the Financial Period selected. The next columns show Budget values and a percentage complete from that Budget’s element: Budget vs Actuals.
Revenue is the section that displays actual revenue based on the Job Enquiry Invoicing tab. Approved Revenue comes from Job Sales Invoices that have been approved, while Unapproved Revenue is all other invoices.
Cost Summary displays the totals of each Cost Category, based on the Activities Cost Category. All Cost Categories that are part of budgets with a budget type flagged as ‘In Forecast budget’ are included. You can see more detail on the Job Enquiry Transactions tab.
Surplus / Deficit simply takes the Total Revenue and subtracts the Total Costs, with a positive number indicating profit and a negative indicating loss.
Hours Summary section displays a row per Cost Category with a Unit of “Hr” “Hrs” or “Hours”. It shows quantities of hours. The Budget columns for Hours Summary display quantity of hours budgeted for and the %Complete is based on actual quantity of hours and budgeted quantity of hours.
Go to button: Allow you to view the list of Subcontracts for this job or its Job Contract.
Next Steps:
Proceed to Job Enquiry Summary for summarised details of the Job and any existing Sub Jobs.
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