Job Enquiry Summary
The Enquiry Summary screen provides an overview of the project at the Job/Sub Job level. You can quickly view the budget, cost, orders, and surplus/deficit information, with a grand total at the bottom including all Jobs displayed. Visibility of this tab can be restricted with the "View Job Summary Tab" Permission.
Screen Guide:
Since Jobs with a Contract are usually taken as a whole when looking at fields such as Margin, you may find that the Contract Summary view is more efficient for viewing project totals that contain revenue in the header Job and cost in the Sub Jobs. In the example above, the margin field looks abnormal but the Total is correct.
Header Job is the top level Job (or only Job if there are no Sub Jobs).
Subjobs contains all Sub Jobs of the Header Job. If your project runs multiple Job Levels deep, you can enquire on a specific branch to narrow the results.
Revenue Budget displays the sum total of all Job Budget revenue lines for the Job.
Cost Budget displays the sum total of all Job Budget cost lines for the Job.
Margin Budget calculates the Revenue Budget minus the Cost Budget.
Margin % displays the Margin Budget in a percentage format. You may need to look at the total row for projects that have an uneven spread of margin.
Unapproved Revenue is the total of all Entered but not yet Approved Job Sales Invoices for the Job.
Approved Revenue Is the total of all Job Sales Invoices with a status of Approved, Sent, or Updated for the Job.
Total Revenue adds up all Unapproved and Approved Revenue. You can delve further into these invoices in Job Enquiry Invoicing.
Cost to Date is the total of all costed transactions for the Job. You can delve further into these transactions in Job Enquiry Detail and Job Enquiry Transactions.
Surplus/Deficit calculates the difference between the Total Revenue and the Cost to Date.
Outstanding PO shows the total value of all outstanding Purchase Orders and Work Orders.
Next Steps:
Now that you have a grasp of the overall project, you can delve deeper into the Work Breakdown structure in Job Enquiry Detail or view Job Sales Invoices in Job Enquiry Invoicing.
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Process Flow: