Job Details View
You can view Job Details by clicking on the blue Job Number in Jobs. Job Maintenance also includes a Details View button, providing the ability to change some fields shared with Job Maintenance View, but also unique options like closing and finalising the Job, and access to Notes, Attachments, etc. You can make this screen available to all Users in a read-only state, preventing changes from being made while still providing basic Job information, while also disabling access to the Maintenance view. You can modify these options based on the user's Role.
Screen Guide:
Main Tab:
Job Code is the alpha-numeric code given to this individual Job and is unique.
Description is the description of the Job, and is also the Job Name.
Job Level is the tier or hierarchy that this Job or Subjob was created at and is not editable.
Parent Job is used only when this Job is a Sub Job. This field determines where this Job sits in the Job Hierarchy.
Client is the client Company for the Job.
Profit Centre displays the Profit Centre this Job sits under.
Job Manager is the person nominated to be the central manager of the Job. You can set someone as a Job Manager in Users.
Account Manager is the person nominated to be the manager of the client account for the Job. You can set someone as an Account Manager in Users.
Price Code allows you to set the Price Code for Input Based Selling. Even if your Job does not use this Billing method, an empty code can be used.
Job Type is a category that this Job is assigned to. These categories can be used for reporting purposes, and can be maintained in Job Types.
Job Status allows you to choose from the list of Job Statuses. By default the statuses are 1. In Progress, 2. On-Hold, 3. Completed. Note that these statuses are for filtering and coordination, and are different from the Closed and Finalised flags below. Custom Job statuses can be created to adapt to your company’s processes and data filtering requirements.
These statuses are different from the Closed & Finalised status displayed on the Jobs list.Closed marks this job as closed for posting new Timesheet and Purchase Order entries, while leaving AP Invoice Enquiry and Job Sales Invoices open to be processed. This state is intended to be used when a Job is practically completed but waiting to finish final processing of invoices. You can close Sub Jobs individually, reducing the possibility of misallocation of transactions to closed Jobs. When marking the Job as Closed, the Closed Date is populated with today’s date on Job Maintenance’s References and Dates tab.
Finalised marks this job as archived, and no further changes can be made to the Job. This state is intended to be used when a Job has completely finished and has been fully invoiced and receipted. When marking the Job as Finalised, the Finalised Date is populated with today’s date on Job Maintenance’s References and Dates tab.
Details is a custom text field that can optionally be entered to give more information about the project.
Extension Columns Tab:
You can add custom extension fields for this tab using the "Job" type in Extension Columns. There, you can set the data type (text, date, drop down, size, etc.) in order to track anything else your company needs regarding your Jobs.
Attributes Tab:
Job Groups are used to categorise jobs in custom ways that aren't already provided for reporting purposes. These are optional and can be updated independently at any time.
Category is the overarching Group Category for this job.
Group is the Job Group you wish to apply to this job.
Value is an optional free text value given to this categorisation.
You can add additional lines using the New Line link, or delete mistaken or incomplete entries by ticking the Bin checkbox.
File Attachments Tab:
On this tab, you can utilise Workbench's File Attachments feature to upload a variety of files and attach them to this Job.
Select File allows you to click "Choose file" to browse your computer for a file to attach. Alternatively, for quick attachment, you can simply drag and drop the desired file onto this button instead. The area that you can drag into is highlighted in the screenshot with a red box.
File URL gives you the option of linking to a website address rather than attaching a file from your computer. To use this field, make sure you do not attach a file as well.
File Group is an optional categorisation option using File Groups. This aids in searching and organising.
Details is another optional field, giving you space to describe what the attachment is or why it is attached if it needs more clarification than the file name suggests.
Be sure to click the Upload button after selecting your file or URL. After uploading, the file or URL will appear below with the details entered.
You can Edit or Delete attachments at any time. Do not click the red Delete button as this will attempt to delete the Job as a whole.
Related Tab:
This tab displays any attachments made to the Quote(s) corresponding to this job.
To Do Items Tab:
See To Dos for more information.
Notes Tab:
See Notes for more information.
Datasheets Tab:
This tab keeps a record of all Datasheets lodged against this particular Job. See the Datasheets documentation for more information on that module.
Reports Tab:
Reports are available for printing details about this Job. Clicking on one of the reports opens the preview screen, giving you the option of printing, emailing, or saving the file.
People Tab:
Often on large projects there are many people involved, internal and external, like client's representatives, tradees, and any other stakeholders like Councils. This is the right space to keep a list of all people involved and add a description of their specific Role for this particular project. The list of people to choose from comes from the People screen. To add new people create them first on the People screen and then add them here.
Next Steps:
Additional Job settings can be found by clicking the Maintenance button (Job Maintenance View).
Using the red Delete button will attempt to delete this Job as a whole. Jobs cannot be deleted if there is underlying data such as Timesheet/PO/AP/AR transactions, Work Centres, Dockets, etc. If you need to delete a newly created Job, deleting all Job Work Centres first may be enough to delete the Job. If you need further assistance, please contact the Helpdesk.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: