Invoice Types
Invoice Types are assigned to Jobs during Job Setup and can be modified in Job Maintenance. They serve to give invoices and credits originating from that job a specific Accounts Receivable (AR) Report format. Workbench comes with several default types which should serve the needs of most company setups.
Screen Guide:
Invoice Type List:
Use + New Invoice Type to add new types, opening up the Maintenance view below.
Invoice Type Code is the shorthand code given to the type. It also serves as a link to the Maintenance view below.
Description is the longer descriptive label for this type.
Invoice Report Format is the AR Report this type is linked to.
Credit Report Format is the AR Credit Report this type is linked to.
Inactive is ticked if the type has been marked as inactive in the Maintenance view. Inactive types are automatically filtered out by default.
Invoice Type Maintenance:
This is the view when creating new types or maintaining existing ones.
Invoice Type Code is the shorthand code for the type and must be unique. Once it is created, this field cannot be modified.
Description is the longer descriptive label for this type.
Inactive can be ticked if you do not wish this type to be used. Types cannot be deleted normally due to their data existing elsewhere in the system, therefore inactivating them removes them from use.
Invoice Report Format is the AR Report this type is linked to.
Credit Report Format is the AR Credit Report this type is linked to.
Reference is an optional custom text field.
Next Steps:
Now that you have managed your types, you can assign them to existing jobs using Job Maintenance. When creating /wiki/spaces/DARCH/pages/704610336 for that job, the assigned type will be used to produce the report.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: