Contract Settings

Contract Settings


This tab, simply labelled "Contract" in Workbench, contains various settings and labels for the selected contract. Many of these fields are set up during the creation of the contract, and the gray fields are not editable on this screen, but the rest may be modified at any point throughout the life of the contract.

Screen Guide:

  • Description is a free text field to describe/label the current contract.

  • Details is an optional field to add more details about the current contract.

  • Client is the client company attached to the current contract. Generally this setting should match the underlying Jobs' client.

  • Physical Address, Postal Address, Phone, & Fax all come from the selected Client company. To adjust these, you will need to modify the Client in Companies.

  • Contact is an optional Client contact person that you want to nominate as the default contact for contract communication. New contacts may be added in Companies.

  • Contact Email is the Contact's listed email address. This can be edited in People.

  • Status is the current status of the contract. There are several default statuses but more can be added in Statuses.

  • Brief Confirmed is a legacy checkbox field that was used for confirmation purposes. This can be utilised by your company in whatever way works for you, but it has no extended effects on other data or reports in Workbench.

  • Contract Type is a category that this contract falls under. These can be modified in Contract Types.

  • Retention Type is the selected retention category that this contract is meant to use. This field is important to set at the beginning of the contract, as it affects the calculation of new claims. New retention methods can be created by clicking on the blue ellipsis button and selecting "Maintain," or navigating to Retention Codes. If you do not want to hold retentions, an appropriate zero Retention Type must be selected.

  • Site is an optional field to record what the project site is called.

  • Foreign Currency comes from the Job connected to the contract and cannot be edited here.

  • Currency Rate is the conversion rate between local and foreign currencies and can either be floating (based on the Currencies settings and calculated for each transaction on the spot) or fixed for the life of the project, set by the field to the right.

  • Non Contract Billing can be enabled to allow invoices to be created outside of the standard claim structure that contracts normally obey. Situations where this may be desirable include needing to invoice a third party in relation to this contract, or having to split invoices between multiple clients. Variations or scope changes should be added as a Variation Schedule item rather than using this feature. You can select No to prevent the ability to create additional invoices, Yes to enable, and Yes with warning to prompt users who attempt to create individual invoices that they are doing non contract billing. You can only create invoices from sub-jobs with a Billing Type that is not the Claim Schedule type from the Job Sales Invoices screen.

  • Cashflow Job Level adjusts the level at which the Contract Cashflow is calculated. By default this is set to All and can be modified here at any point.

The Print button is shared between all tabs in the Contract.

Remember to Save if you make any changes to this screen.

Next Steps:

Once you have made any necessary changes, proceed to the other areas of the contract you wish to view.

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