Contract Summary

Contract Summary


This is the landing page for Job Contracts and is the first tab displayed at the top of the screen. It is meant to summarise to-date contract data in one organised screen, giving job managers a control panel for each of their jobs. You can get to this page by going to the Jobs item on the site map menu, then clicking on the blue ellipsis button and selecting "Contract."

Screen Guide:

In the first section at the very top you will find the Budget & Schedule Currency dropdown, which will allow you to change to and from your local and foreign Currencies.

The section itself summarises all Budgets for this Contract, including all Sub Jobs, divided into Budget Types. It then lists the Revenue (total sell amount), Cost (total cost amount), Margin $ (revenue - cost in dollars), and Margin % (revenue / cost in percentage) in the columns. Note that this is the sum of all budgets created under each type, and there is a subtotal for "in Forecast" Budget Types.

Clicking the "View" link next to any type will navigate you to the Budget Tab, filtering for that specific Budget Type. This helps with targeting a specific type of budget that you would like to investigate further.

Moving to the section on the right you will find Schedule and Claim summaries.

The Schedule Summary section will total each Schedule Type with a summary total at the bottom.

Claim Summary displays information about all claims to date:

  • Claim To Date is the total amount claimed including retentions.

  • Retentions is the amount withheld from claims.

  • Net Claimed To Date is the Claim To Date plus Retentions.

  • GST is the tax amount added to claims.

  • Total Claims is the Net plus GST.

  • Receipts To Date is the total amount that has been receipted in Workbench, either through Receipting Batch Entry or automatically received from your financial software.

  • Net Amount Receivable is the Total Claims minus Receipts To Date, or what is left to be paid.

  • Last Claim field displays the Claim Number; Claim Date; Ex-GST Amount of the most recent claim.

  • Last Payment displays the Receipt Number; Payment Date; Amount and also comes from the Receipting Batch Entry or automatically received from your financial software.

  • % Complete - Dates shows the percentage complete based on dates entered on the Dates tab.

  • % Complete - Claims displays what percentage of the contracted amount has been claimed to date.

The concluding section at the bottom displays the Forecast summary. Because Forecasts in Workbench are based on financial periods, the system will default the displayed period to the Current Year/Period in Period End Maintenance. You can change this manually by selecting a new period next to Budget Forecast Period. If a forecast was not generated for the selected period, the Forecast (Year/Period) column will display "0.00"

The Original column displays total revenue and cost budget amounts based on all Original Contract Budget Type budgets. Current on the other hand displays Original Contract as well as all other budget types, excluding any budget types labeled "Not in Forecast." Forecast (Year/Period) gathers data from the Forecast from that period and displays it as a summary here.

The Contract Margin and Margin % display the difference between the revenue and cost budgets in both value and percentage.

The Print button is persistent through every tab in the Contract module and will perform the same action on each. Note that many of these reports require a generated Forecast for the selected year/period.

Next Steps:

Once you have reviewed the summary data displayed on this page you may wish to use the Job Enquiry button in the top right corner to look at the details of your job.

You may also wish to make adjustments to the other tabs available. Please navigate to the area that you wish to know more about.

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