


The People screen is part of the Portal feature in Workbench, providing a list of all unique persons entered into the system including both internal and external persons. This serves as a directory for contact and company information in Workbench.

It is important to note that this screen, while allowing you to add persons to the database, is not the same as adding Users for internal employees and access to the system. 

Screen Guide:

  • Surname displays the person's family name, is the default sorting column, and serves as the link to the Edit window. Only users with an appropriate Role will be able to edit this data, while the rest will see read-only data.

  • First Name shows the person's first name. You can sort by this column by clicking on the column header.

  • Company is the Company that the user has been attached to.

  • Job Title is displayed for reference purposes.

  • Email Address, Mobile Phone, and Business Phone are also displayed as a quick way to see contact details without entering the detail screen.

By clicking on the + New Person button or on a person's Surname, you can enter the new person or edit existing persons respectively.

Main Tab:



The fields in the Main tab are used in various places throughout Workbench where People are used.

  • Full Name is populated automatically after entering a Surname and First Name, but it can also be independently modified to enter a middle name or initial.

  • Job Title is free text entry and is for reference only.

  • Salutation is used to change how the person is addressed in correspondence.

  • Person Reference is a free text field that can be used for reporting purposes.

  • Company is the Company that this person is associated with. You can use the blue ellipsis button to Search for a company or Maintain (view/edit) the one selected.

    • Ticking the Billing Contact checkbox indicates that this person is the primary contact for billing purposes for that company, whereas Site Contact is the primary project contact. One person can be both of these.

    • Ticking the Inactive checkbox should be done when a person is no longer meant to be used in the system. Inactive persons cannot login to Workbench.

  • Email Address will be used as the primary means of communication when sending documents within Workbench.

  • Email Address 2 is not actively used but is available for reference purposes, often used as a place to enter personal email addresses if appropriate.

  • Phone numbers are displayed throughout various reports and are optional.

Personal information such as home address, home phone, etc will not be displayed.


Extension Columns Tab:

You can add custom extensions to people using Extension Columns and selecting the People type.

Attributes Tab:

Group Categories and Groups can be attributed to individual people according to the needs of the company.

File Attachments Tab:

Files may be attached here, including supplier catalogues, insurances, etc. Note that the default settings allow all users with the Portal license to view this data.

To Do Items Tab:

You can directly add To Dos to people using this tab. Your database must already have To Do Note Types and To Do Statuses set up prior to using this tab.

Notes Tab:

As with To Do Items, Notes can be added to people as well, recording any details that are not otherwise covered in the Main Tab. They also require To Do Note Types to be set up prior to using this feature.

Datasheets Tab:

This tab allows you to view all previous Datasheets done that reference this user, and provides a link to that datasheet.

Remember to Save any changes before navigating away from this window.

You can only Delete persons who have not been used in the system (i.e. no documents that reference this person). If you cannot delete the user, simply tick the Inactive checkbox to disable their use.

Next Steps:

Once the person is set up, they may be used throughout the system. If you intended to create a User with access to the system, you can navigate to the Users screen and use the + From Person List to enable a person to be in the Users screen.


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