Contractor User Setup
This page is dedicated to providing setup information for creating and maintaining Contractor users for use with the Contractor Daysheets module. There are child pages separately dedicated to assist contractors using Workbench from their perspective.
Similarly to Subcontract Users, we must set up individual users properly so that only the desired screens are visible and usable. Moving forward, we will assume that an appropriate Contractor Schedule has already been set up for the desired supplier. To begin, we need to create a new Site Map profile for contractors (or use the default Contractors site map profile and modify it):
Enter Contractor (or the desired label) in the Name field, then click + Add to create the profile. Next, click + Add Page and search for Daysheet External Entry (Token = Tablet/DaysheetExternalEntry.aspx), then do the same for Daysheet Portal (Token = Tablet/DaysheetPortal.aspx), then Save when finished. This will ensure that when we set up new contractors and assign them this site map, they will only have access to the entry screen and the portal. This part of the process only needs to be done once, and may have already been done previously (check the Profiles list first). We do not need to assign any Roles to the users if they are only using this module.
Next, we need to create the desired user under Users:
It is important to set up the user under the Company that you created the Contract Schedule for. Tick the Has Login checkbox and give them a Login Code. Be sure to use the new Site Map profile so that they can only view the desired contractor daysheet menu items, and assign a Subcontractor Portal license to the user. After clicking Save, you can also set the new user's Password using Reset, noting that if you supplied the Email Address before doing so, the user will receive a reset notification by email. You can avoid this by removing/changing the email address and clicking Save again before resetting the password. The Financial Company of the User is derived from the Financial Company of the Company it is linked to.
It is highly recommended that you log in as the new user and modify their dashboard tiles before sending them their login information, as the standard tiles include view-only access to Companies, People, and Jobs. Simply drag the unwanted tiles to the bin icon on the Home screen, switch back to your user, then proceed to send the login details to the contractor.
Next Steps:
Once complete, users are now able to log in to Workbench and access Contractor External Entry and Contractor Portal.
A Site licence is required for this module to work. This is not a licence that is assigned to users, it is a licence that is checked by the system and should be present on this Workbench instance.
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Process Flow: