Contractor Schedules

Contractor Schedules


This screen is used to view and set up new schedules for contractors to use with the Contractor Daysheets module. These schedules operate similarly to Docket Cost Schedules, providing you with the ability to set the quantity and cost of multiple line items within each schedule and directing them to the desired part of the Work Breakdown structure.

Screen Guide:

The table shows existing schedules with the Job and Supplier they are linked to. The Manager and Supervisor are listed as well, the former being an oversight user while the latter is directly involved with approving contractors' Daysheet Entries through the Contractor Daysheet List screen. They can be the same user if there is no dissection of roles.

Clicking on the Description field takes you to an editing mode of New Contractor Schedule.

Next Steps:

To create a New Contractor Schedule, click on the + New Schedule button. To see existing daysheet entries, go to Contractor Daysheet List, or Contractor Daysheet Entry to enter new transactions.



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Process Flow:


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