Docket Cost Schedules

Docket Cost Schedules


For a broader overview of Dockets, see Dockets Overview.

This screen is used to create schedules that facilitate the issuing of Dockets. You can create as many schedules as needed, which can be applied to individual Jobs in the Job Maintenance View

Screen Guide:

Initial List

The initial screen displays all existing Docket Cost Schedules, with the Description field being the link to view/edit the contents. To create a new schedule, click New Cost Schedule.

Create/Edit Schedule

Header Section:

  • Description serves as the code for this schedule and should be unique.

  • Activity Group determines which Activity Group you want this schedule's Activity field to be limited to. This is optional, and leaving it blank allows all Activities.

  • Financial Company determines which Financial Company

  • Cost Schedule allows you to select an existing Docket Cost Schedule to Copy Lines from. This is useful when you want to create a similar schedule to an existing one.

  • Inactive when ticked makes the schedule unable to be assigned to jobs. Existing assignments will need to be removed manually.


Lower Section:

 There are three tabs; the List tab is detailed here while the Procurement and History tabs are detailed in the Purchase Orders with Dockets section below.

  • Supplier is the supplying Company for the line. The proceeding docket issues using this line will only be able to be matched to invoices from this company.

  • Type determines what type of transaction this line represents. It can be one of the following:

    • L = External Labour Hire

    • P = External Plant Hire

    • M = Materials Purchased

    • S = SubContracts

    • F = Fuel

  • Code is the shorthand code for this line, and should make it easy to identify in a list.

  • Description is the longer description of the line and what cost it represents.

  • Activity is the Activity that the line will cost against. this field can be limited by the Activity Group field in the header section. Otherwise the following Activity Types are permitted: Disbursement, Overhead, Plant, Provision, Purchase, Stock, Subcontract, Time.

  • Work Centre is the Work Centre the line will cost against. If the Work Centre is invalid for the job dockets are issued to, the user may need to manually change this field.

  • Unit is the optional unit of measurement for the line.

  • Quantity does not currently influence the creation of docket lines.

  • Rate is the cost rate for every Quantity entered in a docket. This should be the value excluding tax that the Supplier will be invoicing for.

  • Use Rate indicates that you want to use a Sell Rate instead of a Markup rate. If a value exists in Markup, it will be removed when this line is ticked.

  • Sell Rate will be unavailable until Use Rate is ticked. It allows you to designate a value to be billed to your client per Quantity.

  • Markup is a percentage in addition to the Rate field to determine how much should be billed to the client. The calculation is Retail = Cost * (1 + Markup %).

  • Inactive marks only this line as inactive and unable to be used in future docket issues.



  • Print produces a printable list of the current schedule.

  • Import navigates you to the import screen, which gives you the format for importing schedules from other document formats.

  • Purchase is used with the Purchase Orders with Dockets feature detailed below. Selecting Purchase Order will prompt you with which Job you are creating purchase orders for.

  • Save & Close attempts to save any changes and closes the popup.

  • Save attempts to save any changes. A green bar will appear when successful.

  • Close closes the popup. If the system detects unsaved changes, you will be prompted before continuing.


Purchase Orders with Dockets


A. Docket Cost Schedules have been enhanced into a Job Procurement List layout, with the schedule lines now displayed on the List tab with the option of filtering the list by Supplier, Activity, Work Centre, and Description.

B. The Procurement tab supports preparation for a PO by specifying the quantities for ‘This’ and the Supplier, Work Centre, and Required Date as needed.

C. Use the ‘Purchase Order’ option when ready, and you will be prompted for the Job for which you are ordering. Additionally, you can find an existing unapproved Purchase Order and add to it, rather than creating a new one.

D. Confirming will create a Purchase Order per supplier for all lines with ‘This’ specified i.e. values > 0. The POs created will reflect in the Ordered columns for the respective lines, and the POs listed in the History tab.

E. The History tab links navigate to specific POs, while the Ordered Value links on Procurement tab will filter for POs for the matching line.

F. In the case of these Docket Schedule based POs, the Dockets serve as an alternative form of Inwards Goods receipting. Having specified the Job and Type='M', the respective Docket Schedule line can be specified on the basis that the schedule is linked to the Job. On this basis the specific PO Line can also be selected.

G. The docket Quantity receipted then reduces the PO line outstanding just as an Inwards Goods receipt would do.

Purchase Orders with Upvise Dockets

A. A field is added to the Upvise Docket form to enter an optional PO Number.

B. The PO Number and Product (Docket Cost Schedule Description) are used to auto resolve the docket link to a PO Line in the Upvise synchronisation process. Should any line fail to be resolved, a sync log warning like 'No Purchase Order Line could be found for PO 800 and Catalogue Line 1233' is recorded.

C. The Dockets with failed PO Lines can be displayed on the Docket List using the filter ‘Unmatched PO Dockets = yes’.

D. Selecting the Docket to display and open the Lines tab that highlights the unmatched lines in RED.

E. The PO Line can then be manually resolved by selecting the required line with the PO Line picker and saving.

Next Steps:

Once you have a schedule created, go to the Job Maintenance View of the desired Jobs you would like to attach the schedule to. Once attached, you can use Docket List to create and issue dockets. The Daily Diary module also uses dockets for some features.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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