Contractor Daysheets

Contractor Daysheets

Module Overview:

This module opens up Workbench for contractors to enter transactions against their assigned Contractor Schedules. It can be viewed as a way for external users to enter a special type of Docket that must be approved by one of your supervisors. Similarly to Subcontract Users, you will need to set up Contractor Users for the contractors to login on behalf of their supplier company. The supplier in turn must have a Contractor Schedule set up with an appropriate schedule of items for each project. Once set up, the contractor can then log in and use Daysheet External Entry to submit work done, ready for the supervisor to approve in Contractor Daysheet List. Supervisors can enter on behalf of the contractor using Contractor Daysheet Entry, and contractors can view the status of their submissions using Daysheet Portal.

At the end of each billing cycle, the resulting dockets are processed as an RCTI/BCI in an AP Invoice, then sending it to the supplier. Note that AP Vouchers are not intended to be used with this module.

This is an easy way to make sure suppliers/(sub)contractors are getting paid promptly and with little admin burden for them; specially those soletraders or small tradies.

Child Pages:

Process Flow:

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