Subcontract Messages

Subcontract Messages


This tab is accessible by both internal users (using Subcontracts List) and external subcontractors (using the Subcontract Portal interface). The primary function of this tab is to record automated messages between both parties when requests or claims are made or approved, as well as ad-hoc messages. If your company is not using Subcontract Users, you can use this function for internal communication regarding the subcontract.

Screen Guide:

  • Message To defaults to the primary Subcontract User if the viewer is an internal user, otherwise it defaults to the contract administrator. You can freely change this field but keep in mind that all messages are tracked in Previous messages.

  • Subject is a place to put the subject of the message and is a required field.

  • Message is where the body text should go for your message.

  • Previous messages displays all previous messages with date and time stamps, including those generated by the system for full auditability.


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Process Flow: