Subcontracts List
Subcontracts in Workbench can be accessed either through the Jobs screen or directly through the Subcontracts Site Map menu item. The only difference is that when accessing Subcontracts through a specific Job, the Job filter is automatically set based on your selection, while this screen forces you to choose the Job or Subcontractor first.
Note that a Job does not need to have a Contract to have Subcontracts.
Screen Guide:
To display existing subcontracts, you will need to populate the Job or Subcontractor fields in the filter first.
Subcontract is, by default, a concatenation of the Job number and the number sequence of the subcontract under that Job to three digits. This field also serves as the link to take you to the Subcontract Summary tab, and the blue ellipsis button navigates you to Subcontract Users and Work Orders, pre-filtered for the selected subcontract.
Current Value displays the total committed cost of all Work Orders for the subcontract.
Net Certified displays the total certified amounts in Subcontract Claims Tab, minus any Subcontract Retention Management held.
Certified to Date displays the total certified amount including retentions.
Paid(incl GST) shows how much has been paid based on Subcontract Payments.
Retentions is the amount being held in Subcontract Retention Management.
You can use this screen to create subcontracts by clicking the + New Subcontract button. If you populate the Job filter before clicking the button, the Job field in the subsequent screen will automatically be populated, otherwise you will need to enter the Job you are creating the subcontract for. The first screen you see when creating a new subcontract is the Subcontract Settings tab, along with Payments and Dates tabs. Once you save the initial entry, the remaining tabs will display.
Make sure the Internal company of the user that is creating the new Subcontract is not flagged as Subcontractor on the Company record, as this will prevent the user from creating subcontracts. If the company of the user is flagged as a Subcontractor, that means this user is possibly an external user and should only be using the Subcontractors Portal.
Next Steps:
When creating a new subcontract, proceed to Subcontract Settings for more information. To explore an existing subcontract, click on the Subcontract field and then navigate to the desired tab.
Child Pages:
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: