Subcontract Datasheets
This tab is used to contain all datasheets related to this Subcontract.
For more information, see Datasheets.
Screen Guide:
Template allows you to choose which datasheet Template to use. Only templates with the type of "Subcontract" will be visible. This also serves as the link to the datasheet document.
Date is the date that you want this datasheet to be lodged.
Subject is a custom text field allowing you to give a specific title to this datasheet.
Person is the User you want to assign this datasheet to. This can be an internal or external user.
Complete is ticked when the Datasheet is completed and cannot be ticked here.
Comments are additional details for this datasheet and is a required field.
Use the Bin icon to delete a line.
The Datasheets button and arrow provide the ability to create a new datasheet of the selected template quickly rather than navigating to Datasheets
Next Steps:
Remember to Save after adding or changing information.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: