Job Enquiry Detail

Job Enquiry Detail


The Detail tab of the Job Enquiry screen offers an intuitive way to delve into the components of your Jobs. Starting at the Job level, you can progressively expand and enquire into budgets and transactions to see what the figures are represented by. This screen should be used whenever there is an irregularity or a need to know more information about how your projects are progressing.

Screen Guide:

  • Job is the header Job with all Sub Jobs listed below. You can click the Job to expand the display to the Work Centre level.

  • Work Centre displays all used Work Centres that were given to the selected Job in Job Maintenance. Clicking this level will expand the display to show the Cost Category and Activity levels.

  • Cost Category is a custom way of categorising Activities into useful groupings. You can add more categories in Cost Categories and then group individual Activities into them. Note that Activity Cost Category grouping is a global setting, and an Activity can only belong to one Category. If you do not wish to use Cost Categories, you can remove the column from the display using Grid Management.

  • Activity displays all used Activities for the Job/Work Centre combination. Usable Activities are determined by the Activity Group in Job Maintenance.

  • Unit is the unit of measurement from the Activities setup.

  • Budget Qty is the quantity from the Activities in a Job Budget. On the Activity level, the field becomes blue and when clicked pops up a screen automatically filtered to the Job/Work Centre/Activity combination, displaying all Job Budget lines that include that combination. This is helpful for narrowing down where the budget comes from.

  • Actual Qty is the quantity from the related cost transactions. Clicking this field brings you to the Job Enquiry Transactions tab automatically filtered to the Job/Work Centre/Activity combination, displaying all Job transactions that have used the combination.

  • Hours % is the percentage of Budget Hours consumed by the Actual Hours.

  • Cost Budget is the total of all cost lines from Job Budgets. If you click the field it will pop up a screen automatically filtered to the Job/Work Centre/Activity combination, displaying all Job Budget lines that include that combination. This is helpful for narrowing down where the budget comes from.

  • Cost is the total cost accrued against the Job/Work Centre/Activity combination up to the last date of the Year/Period filter. If you cannot find a transaction, you may need to double check the filter in the first instance. Clicking this field brings you to the Job Enquiry Transactions tab automatically filtered to the Job/Work Centre/Activity combination, displaying all Job transactions that have used the combination.

  • Outstanding POs/WOs is the total cost value of all outstanding Purchase Orders and Work Orders. Partially consumed orders will only contribute the remaining value. You can find more detail on the Job Enquiry Orders tab.

  • Total Commitments is the combination of the Cost and Outstanding POs/WOs fields. Adding these fields together and comparing against the Cost Budget field indicates how much of the budget you will have spent considering the POs/WOs come through as AP Invoices.

  • Cost % is the percentage of Total Commitments versus the Cost Budget, giving you an indication of how far through the budget you are.

Next Steps:

Now that you have an understanding of the detail of your project's costs, you may wish to review your Job Enquiry Outputs (if used) and Job Enquiry Invoicing.



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