Daily Timesheets

Daily Timesheets


This page can be reached through My Timesheets (when the default timesheet is set to weekly in Control Parameters) or via the direct site map item. Generally, users who have complex time tracking requirements across multiple work breakdown combinations within a day will use this style of timesheet.

Note for system administrators: it is advised that if your company is using only Daily or Mobile timesheets to enable the Control Parameter "Check for Duplicated Lines On Timesheet"

Each person must create a new timesheet for each week using the + New Timesheet button. Remember, timesheets are based on the week ending date, so the date displayed contains that day and the six days previous. If the timesheet week already exists, simply click on the blue link in your name to continue editing it. Once you are inside the week's timesheet, you simply enter the job, activity, work centre, time code (if applicable), and quantity of hours. Comments can be added on each line by clicking on the blue pencil on the left side of the quantity field. Create a new line (either by clicking on New Line or tabbing beyond the end of an existing line) for any change in the work breakdown structure or date. If you find that you have simple timesheet entry requirements with little variation, the Weekly Timesheets method may be more time effective for you.

Screen Guide:

Note that there are many optional fields available for Daily Timesheets, which can be modified by the system administrator in Grid Management. The screenshot above shows a small selection of these, and the guide below explores the uses of all potential fields.

  • Date is the day of the week that this timesheet line relates to. Clicking this field opens a calendar selection, but the date can also be manually entered.

  • FinCo allows you to select from multiple Financial Companies, if they exist, facilitating timesheets between financial companies and creating intercompany timesheets.

  • File Attachment is an in-line field that appears as a blue paperclip, allowing you to attach files in relation to a particular line which aids the approver when reviewing timesheets.

  • Job Code lists the Jobs with a Profit Centre belonging to the Profit Centre Group of the logged in User. If you cannot find your Job, it may be closed for entry, doesn't exist yet, or in a different Profit Centre Group - speak with your System Administrator if you feel that you need access.

  • Action is a field for backwards compatibility with the desktop (MDE) Workbench client, and allows users to relate time worked against a specific action. Actions are otherwise not available in the web client.

  • Log No. is used in relation to the Service Desk module, and is a way for service users to allocate time to a Service Log that has been assigned to them.

  • Activity includes all 'Time' Type Activities that are included in the Job Activity Group, if present. Job Activity Groups are derived from Job Maintenance which cannot be edited here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, the group may need to be changed or it is simply not allowed on this job.

  • Allowance field is only used with the EBA module, for optional allowances listed in the profile being used.

  • Time Code is not used by all companies, but if present, it represents a cost modifier to the line such as normal/overtime, shift work, allowances, etc., and is specific to your company. This field should be hidden in Grid Management if it is not being used, otherwise it will prevent data entry. New Time Codes can be added in the respective setup page.

  • Activity Type is a display-only field that shows the type of activity code that has been selected for reference only.

  • Work Centre defaults to the one set up in the Job Activity Group activity, so long as it is allowed as a Work Centre on the Job (this can be modified in Job Maintenance).

  • EBA Profile This feature enables user selection of the appropriate Employee Bargaining Agreement (EBA) where it cannot be unambiguously auto determined by the system. This mechanism is only required for users where the ambiguity exists and is not necessary to be setup for the scenarios where the EBA can be uniquely matched. 

  • Start forces the entry of a start time for the timesheet line being entered. This must be entered in 24-hour format, and may be typed without the colon between the numbers.

  • End forces the entry of an end time for the timesheet line being entered. This must be entered in 24-hour format, and may be typed without the colon between the numbers.

  • Breaks is a field that allows easier capture of a time quantity by specifying the number of breaks taken (for a predefined duration). The standard break duration (in hours) is specified in the Setting “Break Duration Hours”. On specifying the number of Breaks taken, the Quantity is subtracted by the total duration of standard breaks. The Breaks column is hidden by default in Grid Management. Example: Value setting of 0.5 is a 30 mins break if the time intervals used in Timesheets are 15 mins each.

  • Comments can be entered against each line by clicking on the blue pencil that appears to the left side of the quantity field. This will pop up a text box for entry, and can be reopened to edit text until the timesheet is completed and/or approved.

  • Quantity is the total number of hours worked on the current timesheet line. Decimals can be used to split hours up to a minimum amount determined by the Time Units Per Hour in the Setup Wizard.

  • Duplicate is a quick way to create multiple timesheet lines, creating an exact replica of the line being duplicated. This can be utilised to save time by, for example, clicking duplicate four times, changing the dates, and only changing the fields that were different each day of the week.

  • Plant Issues is for users who also enter their plant items each day, and need to specify their areas of work. Clicking this link pops up a window to enter the plant alongside the timesheet.

  • Delete allows the user to delete one or more timesheet lines by clicking the box, and then click "Save" at the bottom to delete line/s.

  • Manager Approval is a checkbox that shows whether the Job Manager Approval manager has approved this timesheet line. Daily approval is useful in situations where employees work on several different jobs/sites where each job manager needs to approve the time, showing the central timesheet group approver that the time is valid.

  • Total Hours vs. Standard Hours represent the hours that were entered in this timesheet versus the standard hours for each day that were assigned in Users when creating this employee.

  • Variance is the difference between total and standard hours, giving a quick reference for hours that may have been missed or duplicated. The general idea is that the variance should be zero at the end of the week, unless there is overtime or other circumstances.

  • Print results in the default Timesheet report being generated. The arrow allows for alternative formats to be used if needed.

  • Attachments are a place to add files of any kind to the timesheet such as scanned physical timesheets, medical documents, or status reports. Your supervisor and anyone else who has access to your timesheets will be able to view these.

  • Messages are an excellent way of communicating within Workbench, keeping a log of all communication regarding this timesheet. You can message your supervisor to ask about a time allocation or explain any questions they might have.

  • Copy Timesheet is useful when you are doing similar things from week to week. You have the option of copying Jobs and hours, or just jobs, as well as being able to copy leave activities for long-term leave.

  • + New Line will create any number of additional lines in the body of your timesheet.

  • Save will commit the data entered to the system. If data is missing or is incorrect, an error will be displayed in red and the document will not be saved.

  • Back will return you to the My Timesheets screen. If you have unsaved data, the system will prompt you to stay and save before changing screens.


TOIL - Time Off In Lieu balance on Timesheets:

In those cases where Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) is tracked using a nominated Job, the TOIL balance for each employee can be displayed on timesheets.
This TOIL Job must be defined in each Financial Company. If this field is populated, and the employee belongs to this Financial Company, the TOIL balance will display on a Timesheet screen (Timesheet Administration, Daily Timesheet, Weekly Timesheet).


  • Recording TOIL accrued – Manual Process:
    When recording a timesheet, the employee also manually records its accrued TOIL to its TOIL Job on the timesheet as a negative quantity.

    • Assuming a Time-For-Time method, if the employee worked 10 hours (2 hours beyond her standard schedule), she records 10 hours against the project job and also -2 hours (negative) against the TOIL job. Toil Hours is negative on the Toil Job. The net effect being the Employee's Total Hours paid for the day should be 8 (10-2) with the other 2 owed to her at some point in the future.

    • With a penalty method like Time and a half for the first two hours if also being applied to TOIL, the 2 hours beyond the employee' standard schedule would be recorded as 10 hours against the project job and also -3 hours (negative) against the TOIL job.


  • Recording TOIL taken:
    When the employee takes time off using the accrued TOIL, she records time taken against the TOIL Job rather than against the generic Admin job.

If the employee takes 2 hours off against the TOIL Job, she records it as 2 hours (positive) against the TOIL Job.

This process builds up a negative balance in the TOIL Job which is Hours in excess of standard hours; this is time owed to the employee. When the Employee takes this time off, the recording of that time is a positive entry to the TOIL job which then reduces the balance owed.

Note: There is no restriction that the employee’s TOIL must remain >= 0. For example, they may take time off against TOIL and work the hour back in the future.


Next Steps:

Once you have entered data, you can save and leave the screen and return at another time to add or change data. If you have finished entering data for the week, remember to tick the Complete checkbox and Save to show that you have finished. If you need to make changes before it is approved, you can untick Complete and save to unlock the timesheet, but if it is already approved, only your supervisor or administrator can unlock it. If you have any Expense Claims to do, you can claim those separately.


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