Weekly Timesheets

Weekly Timesheets


This page can be reached through Desktop Timesheets (when the default timesheet is set to weekly in Control Parameters) or via the direct site map item. Generally, users who have little differentiation in jobs and activities from week to week will use the weekly timesheets page for time entry. The benefit of entering data here is that you will only need to create one line of data for each unique work breakdown set. For example, if you work on the same job, doing the same activity, under the same work centre, you would only need to create one line with the number of hours under each day's column, saving time in data entry. If there were any change in job, activity, or work centre, you would need to create an additional line and allocate hours to that line for the week. If you find that you are creating an excessive number of lines, using Daily Timesheets may be more appropriate.

Each person must create a new timesheet for each week using the + New Timesheet button. Remember, timesheets are based on the week ending date, so the date displayed contains that day and the six days previous. If the timesheet week already exists, simply click on the blue link in your name to continue editing it. Once you are inside the week's timesheet, you simply enter the job, activity, work centre, and time code (if applicable) for your time, with the number of hours per day you worked. Comments can be added for each day by clicking on the blue pencil on the left side of each day. If you did something different during the week, you will need to create a new line with the different codes. The totals at the bottom will update when you save the timesheet to ensure you have entered the correct hours. To save time, you can copy a previous timesheet's jobs and hours using the Copy Timesheet button. Once you have finished entering time for the week, tick the Complete checkbox and click Save to indicate to the approver that you have finished the timesheet.

Screen Guide:

  • The top section displays who the logged in user is along with their employee number.

  • The Week Ending Date is the last day of the week for the current timesheet. You can switch between different weeks with the left and right arrows or click on the date to open the calendar picker.

  • Complete checkbox is used only when you have finished entering your timesheet for the week so that your approver can see you have finished.

  • Approved being ticked means that your supervisor has reviewed and approved this week's timesheet

  • Approval on Hold means that your supervisor has reviewed but has not approved this timesheet for some reason. You can communicate with them using the Messages button at the bottom of the screen.

  • Fin Co is short for Financial Company, and may be hidden for companies that only use one Fin Co in Workbench. Displaying this field is useful when Multiple Financial Company Timesheets are being used.

  • Job Code lists the jobs with a Profit Centre belonging to the Profit Centre Group of the logged in User. If you cannot find your job, it may be closed for entry, doesn't exist yet, or in a different profit centre group - speak with your system administrator if you feel that you need access.

  • Activity includes all 'Time' Type Activities that are included in the Job Activity Group, if present. Job Activity Groups are derived from Job Maintenance which cannot be edited here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, the group may need to be changed or it is simply not allowed on this job.

  • Work Centre defaults to the one set up in the Job Activity Group activity, so long as it is allowed as a Work Centre on the Job (this can be modified in Job Maintenance).

  • Time Code is not used by all companies, but if present, it represents a modifier to the line such as normal/overtime, shift work, allowances, etc., and is specific to your company. This field should be hidden in Grid Management if it is not being used, otherwise it will prevent data entry. New Time Codes can be added in the respective setup page.

  • Each day of the timesheet week is represented as a column, with quantity fields for the user to enter their worked hours for that line through the week. To the left of each quantity, there is a blue pencil which when clicked will open a text box for the user to add comments for that day. Once saved, if the line has a comment, the blue pencil will remain visible and the others will disappear.

  • My JTD represents the Job-To-Date quantity of hours for the logged in user. This is helpful for users who need to track how much time they have spent on a job without having to enquire the job directly. This can also be hidden if not desirable.

  • The Bin icon and corresponding checkboxes represent when a line is meant to be deleted. Deletion will occur once the box has been ticked and the "Save" button has been clicked. Multiple lines can be deleted at once.

  • New lines will automatically appear either when tabbing through past the last field of a line, upon clicking the + New Line button, or upon clicking save. If the timesheet is completed and/or approved, users will not be able to create new lines or edit existing ones.

  • If you attempt to change lines or save before completing the line you are entering, an error will appear highlighting the areas that are missing or incorrect. The timesheet will not be saved until these are corrected.

  • Total Allowance Qty will add up all lines that contain allowances and give a final total for the week.

  • Total Hours vs. Standard Hours represent the hours that were entered in this timesheet versus the standard hours for each day that were assigned in Users when creating this employee.

  • Variance is the difference between total and standard hours, giving a quick reference for hours that may have been missed or duplicated. The general idea is that the variance should be zero at the end of the week, unless there is overtime or other circumstances.

  • A new Control Parameter has been introduced: ‘Weekly Timesheet Variance Display’ with the following options - None, Standard, or Attendance - and determines the footer displayed with the respective variance. This has no effect on the data written to the Timesheets.

  • Print results in the default Timesheet report being generated. The arrow allows for alternative formats to be used if needed.

  • Attachments are a place to add files of any kind to the timesheet, such as scanned physical timesheets, medical documents, or status reports. Your supervisor and anyone else who has access to your timesheets will be able to view these.

  • Messages are an excellent way of communicating within Workbench, keeping a log of all communication regarding this timesheet. You can message your supervisor to ask about a time allocation, or explain any questions they might have.

  • Attendance is an optional way of keeping track of hours of the day worked and when a break was taken. Some companies require this as part of their EBA responsibilities.

    • Enter time in 24hr format

    • Only two sets of start and end times are possible

    • Attendance is the sum of hours entered in this screen, and total hours are what was entered in the main timesheet as hours

    • Variance is the difference between the two, which generally should be zero at the end of the week.

  • Copy Timesheet is useful when you are doing similar things from week to week. You have the option of copying Jobs and hours, or just jobs, as well as being able to copy leave activities for long-term leave.

  • + New Line will create any number of additional lines in the body of your timesheet.

  • Save will commit the data entered to the system. If data is missing or is incorrect, an error will be displayed in red and the document will not be saved.

  • Back will return you to the My Timesheets screen. If you have unsaved data, the system will prompt you to stay and save before changing screens.

Next Steps:

Once you have entered data, you can save and leave the screen and return at another time to add or change data. If you have finished entering data for the week, remember to tick the Complete checkbox and Save to show that you have finished. If you need to make changes before it is approved, you can untick Complete and Save to unlock the timesheet, but if it is approved, only your supervisor or administrator can unlock it.

If you have any Expense Claims to do, you can claim those separately.

To enable Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) balance on a Timesheet check the steps [here]


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