Mobile Timesheets

Mobile Timesheets


Mobile Timesheets is a simplified version of timesheet entry available to all users who have a licence for timesheets. The screen has been built to be displayed on mobile devices, switching to a portrait expanding and scrolling style rather than the typical landscape view of Weekly or Daily Timesheets. Mobile Timesheets is not a standalone application for phones, but rather a menu item on your company's normal Workbench website. Therefore, users are still required to log in to Workbench using a mobile browser such as Chrome or Safari. Browser bookmarks can generally be saved to a mobile phone's main screen allowing for quick access.


Screen Guide:

Initial Entry Section:

  • This screen can be reached by clicking the direct site map item, as well as through /wiki/spaces/DARCH/pages/705167380. The Site Map menu is accessed via the top left hand corner icon. If you cannot access Mobile Timesheets, please speak with your system administrator.

  • When navigating to Mobile Timesheets directly, you will land on the current Timesheet Week End (the last day of the week being the company's standard timesheet cutoff date including the six days prior). The timesheet week can be changed using the forward and backward arrows on either side of the Timesheet Week End field, or alternatively tapping on the date will bring up a calendar view. Note that all of the timesheets for the entire week will be entered on one screen.

  • The Transaction Date must be changed when you wish to enter time for a different day. Keep in mind that if you do multiple tasks within a day, you must keep the transaction date the same, and enter the additional timesheet lines until you have completed the day.

  • Job lists the Jobs with a Profit Centre belonging to the Profit Centre Group of the logged in User. If you cannot find your Job, it may be closed for entry, doesn't exist yet, or in a different Profit Centre Group - speak with your system administrator if you feel that you need access.

  • Activity includes all 'Time' Type Activities that are included in the Activity Group assigned to the job, if present. The Job's Activity Group is assigned in Job Maintenance and cannot be edited here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, the group may need to be changed or your selection is simply not allowed on this Job.

  • Time Code is not used by all companies, but if present, it represents a cost modifier to the line such as normal/overtime, shift work, allowances, etc., and is specific to your company. This field should be hidden in Grid Management if it is not being used, otherwise it will prevent data entry. New Time Codes can be added in the respective setup page.

  • Work Centre defaults to the one set up in the Job Activity Group Activity, so long as it is allowed as a Work Centre on the Job (this can be modified in Job Maintenance).

  • Description is free text for you to enter any dialogue about the time entry that they need. This could be for reporting to the supervisor, administration, or simply keeping notes.

  • Quantity is the number of hours for this time entry. Note that you can split your days into multiple Jobs, Activities, or Work Centres, and when doing so you must complete a separate time entry with the quantity of hours split between each

  • Tap Add Time when you have finished entering data, or the "x" button to cancel this entry

  • Back will take you to the previous screen, similar to the back navigation button on your browser.


Entered Data Section:

  • Once the time has been added, each day will be displayed below. By tapping each line with an arrow, that day or time entry will expand, allowing you to view previous entries.

  • Using the button that looks like two folded pages, you can duplicate a previously entered line and change only what is different (the day, the Job, the quantity, etc.). This is useful for quickly entering a timesheet if each day is relatively similar.

  • Edit is available as long as the week's timesheet has not been Completed or Approved. It allows you to modify any of the fields previously entered.

  • Tapping the red "x" button will delete the expanded time entry. This cannot be undone.

Summary Section:

  • Scrolling further down, the Summary section offers a view of the entire week listing each day and quantity totals:

    • Total Hours represent the hours that were entered in this timesheet

    • Standard Hours represent the standard expected hours for each day that were assigned in Users when creating this employee.

    • Variance is the difference between total and standard hours, giving a quick reference for hours that may have been missed or duplicated. The general idea is that the variance should be zero at the end of the week, unless there is overtime or other circumstances.

  • Complete is intended to be used when you have finished entering time for the entire week, signalling to the supervisor that the timesheet is ready to Approve. Completing the timesheet will lock it, preventing editing or adding additional time. You can un-complete timesheets as long as they have not been approved. To complete the timesheet, tap the box next to Complete, then tap Save.

  • Approved can only be ticked by your Timesheet Group approver (or administrator) usually at the end of the week before payroll.

  • Approval on Hold means that the approver has seen the timesheet but is not approving it yet. This could be due to an error, missing data, or incorrect allocation that needs to be followed up on.

  • You may use the Attachments section to attach files (pictures, documents, etc.) to this week's timesheet. Please see below:

File Attachments:

  • Attaching a file can be done by tapping Choose File, then following the prompts from your browser to take a picture, attach an existing picture, or a document from your phone. You may optionally add details to provide an explanation of the file, and can attach as many files as needed.

  • Upload will attach the currently chosen file to this week's timesheet.


Next Steps:

Once you have finished entering time for the week, you can begin next week's timesheets by tapping the arrow to the right of Timesheet Week End and beginning the process again.

If mobile Timesheet users need to enter Stock and Plant issues as well as Time, a Mobile Timesheet Adv licence is required, which will automatically display the appropriate Mobile Timesheet screen, with links to Stock Issues mobile screen and Plant issues mobile screen.

If your company uses Inwards Goods, you can receipt deliveries against Purchase Orders.

If you are an approver, you can approve your group's timesheets in Mobile Approval.



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Process Flow:


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