Control Parameters

Control Parameters


Control Parameters in Workbench are a collection of global controls that affect how the system responds to your company's needs. Here, you will find numerous options to change aspects of most modules, allowing specific tailoring for a variety of situations.

This screen is generally only accessible by System Administrators and its contents should only be modified if you have full knowledge of the effects. Please contact the Helpdesk if you need advice on specific settings on this screen.

Screen Guide:

The Control Parameters screen


The Control Parameter List will, by default, show all controls in alphabetical order. You can filter for a specific control if you know its name but otherwise it is highly recommended to orient yourself by changing the filter to "Parameter Type =" like the screenshot above. This way you can see all of the controls available for a specific module, while also narrowing down the list into a digestible size. The following is a list of types available:

  • Billing

  • Contracts

  • Daily Diary

  • Data Transfer

  • Dockets

  • Email

  • Expense Claims

  • General

  • Interface

  • Job Costing

  • Leave Management

  • GL Account Validation

  • Plant

  • Purchasing 

  • Quoting

  • Scheduling

  • Service Desk

  • Stock

  • Subcontracts

  • System

  • Timesheets

  • Workbench.Web

Once you are familiar with the majority of Workbench, it is recommended to review each type of Control Parameter so that you become familiar with your options as your company changes and grows.

These are the columns in the List:

  • Name is the descriptive name of the Control Parameter. By default, the system sorts the list by this field.

  • Value will vary depending on the type of control (boolean, list, etc.). You should reference the Valid Values for available entries.

  • Password is only used with Password lines and should not be used for any other lines.

  • Valid Values is a list of all available answers for the Value column. If this field is empty, the value column is either free form or from an existing list elsewhere in Workbench, such as Activities.

  • Category is the classification of the line and aligns with the Parameter Type filter.

  • Description gives a brief overview of what the line is used for or guides what values should be given. If you are not sure what the effect of the line would have, please contact your consultant or the Helpdesk before making the change.

  • Save



  • History button: Display a list of all changes including Control Parameter name, the individual who made the change, date, and details of the original and new values.

  • Save button: must be clicked if you want to save any changes to the list that you made. Exiting or navigating away from the screen without saving will cancel all changes.

Next Steps:

Once you have made any change here, be sure to test the change before having your users attempt to use the feature to ensure the desired change has taken effect. Sometimes it is necessary to clear the Application Cache after making certain changes before the effect takes place.



Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:


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