Timesheet FAQ

Timesheet FAQ

Answer: The first thing to check is, in Workbench, are there duplicate contact records for the same person?

If so, the time usually is going into Workbench however it's syncing against the non-employee personId (Same Name but inactive or supplier contact).

This means that the costs on the Job will appear and show $0 (no employee class on non-employee person record).



  • Be aware of making an inactive contact active if they are a returning employee.

  • Ensure that employee Names and Emails are unique (this is an upvise licencing requirement also).



  1. Ensure that employee Names and Emails are unique

  2. Ensure that there is only 1 active employee record for that person

  3. Job transactions can be moved to the correct personID. Contact Workbench Support Team for assistance.

  4. We do not recommend the records are deleted as Upvise will re-create missing records if a backdated sync occurs.


Integration Enhancements:

We have made some updates recently to improve the integration to more accurately match the data for employee timesheets.

We now validate:

  1. Active contacts

  2. Contacts with "employee" flag

  3. Full name in workbench matching the full name in the Upvise timesheet

This should address most of these issues where you may have an employee who works part time and is listed as a supplier contact, as well as duplication of contact records (multiple contact records for the same employee, inactive and active).

See release notes: 4.5.40 - 24 Oct 2022


If you have this issue, please check the above and escalate to support if you need assistance.