Timesheet Administration

Timesheet Administration


This screen is meant to be used by administrators or supervisors as a control centre for your company's timesheets. Here you can enter or adjust timesheets for other users, while also being able to see detailed information about each employee's timesheet. When reviewing or entering a timesheet, you will also be able to see additional information in the detail screen, depending on how Grid Management has been set up. Both Administrators and Primary/Secondary approvers can use this screen, but only employees in Timesheet Groups that you have been given Authority over will be shown.

In previous versions and legacy Site Map profiles, this screen was called "Approval 2"


Screen Guide:


At the top of the screen you will find + New Timesheet is available for entering a timesheet for an employee that has not created one. This button will only work if you have entered an employee name in the Person filter, otherwise it will display a yellow error and not proceed.

The filter will default to Between Current Week and Current Week, resulting in only the current week being shown. This can be changed to include any range you prefer. The filter also defaults to timesheets in which you are the primary approver, but this can also be changed to Administrator, Secondary, etc.

  • Full Name, First Name, Surname, and Employee Number are provided so that you can sort by any of these columns based on your preference. Clicking on the hyperlink will bring you to the detailed timesheet of the employee.

  • Week Ending is the last day of the timesheet week, including the six days prior.

  • Timesheet Group is the group that the employee belongs to. They can only belong to one group.

  • Employee Type displays the User Reference field from the employee's Users profile. This is a free text field that your company can use in any manner it wishes. Otherwise this field should be hidden in Grid Management if not being used.

  • Payroll Status shows whether the displayed week has been Batched or Exported, giving you a quick way to check that all employees for the week have been dealt with properly.

  • Completed tick means that the timesheet has been marked as finished for entry, generally by the employee, and is ready to be approved. Completing a timesheet locks the timesheet for editing.

  • Approved tick means that the supervisor (or administrator if allowed) has approved that week's timesheet. A user with the permission ‘Bulk Approve Uncompleted Timesheets' can bulk approve uncompleted timesheets. Otherwise, the timesheet must be completed before being approved, and you cannot approve your own timesheets.

  • Missing tick means that this employee has not created a timesheet for this week. This is important for identifying those who haven't submit their timesheets for payroll.

  • The following columns display totals for categories of time, determined by the Activity Type/Sub-Type in Activities:

    • Chargeable - chargeable time, usually used with input-based Charge Types jobs

    • Non-Chargeable - non-chargeable time, usually used with input-based Charge Types jobs

    • Admin - time with a sub-type of Admin

    • Leave - time marked as a leave type

    • Other - other time not listed above

    • Total - the sum total of all hours for the week for this employee

  • $ Allowances - the total cost value of all allowances for the week

  • $ Disbursements - the total cost value of all disbursements for the week

  • Approve allows you to tick the box to approve multiple timesheets at once from this screen as a time-saving measure. The tick box will be grayed out if the timesheet is missing or not completed. It is not recommended to use this as the standard method of approval due to not having to view the contents of the timesheet before approving it. This is meant for administrators who need to do bulk changes before payroll.

  • Email - when the Approve checkbox and the Email checkbox are both ticked one after the other on this screen, the system emails a timesheet PDF to the selected employee, and attaches it to the corresponding timesheet. This happens when clicking the Save button on the bottom right of the screen. The report format can be selected from the Report Format dropdown. This is a great option so those employees that do not have access to Workbench for whom the timesheets are entered by an administrator, can have a record of the timesheets entered on their behalf.

Timesheet Detail:

The detailed timesheet header begins with the employee's name and employee number, and also contains a Choose Person field allowing you to search for a specific person without going back to the list.

  • Week Ending Date is the last day of the week of the selected timesheet. The arrow keys can be used to navigate forward or backwards by one week to review other timesheets for the same person.

  • Complete tickbox means that the timesheet has been marked as finished for entry, generally by the employee, and is ready to be approved. Completing a timesheet locks the timesheet for editing.

  • Approved is the tickbox that must be ticked in order to approve this timesheet for payroll processing. The timesheet must be completed before being approved, and you cannot approve your own timesheets.

  • Approval on Hold is a way to show that you have reviewed the timesheet, but are not ready to approve it pending questions or corrections. This will prevent the timesheet from being processed by payroll while showing that the timesheet has been reviewed.

The body of the detailed timesheet shows the individual lines that have been entered. As the approver, you will need to ensure that the employee has coded the lines correctly to match the desired work breakdown structure.

  • Tran Date is the transaction date of the individual line. There can be multiple lines per transaction date.

  • Fin Co is the Financial Company that the employee has used. This is only used in situations where there are multiple financial companies and can be hidden in Grid Management if not being used.

  • Job Code is the Job that the employee has worked on.

  • Activity is the Activity Code representing the type of work done, leave taken, or disbursement earned.

  • Empl. Class is the default Employee Class set in the employee's profile in Users and determines the standard cost per hour that is applied to the job. It is only displayed in this screen so that the administrator can change the default to assist with EBA Interpretation.

  • Time Code is a cost modifier and is usually required if visible, depending on how the activity was set up. This is commonly used for Normal Time, Double Time, Allowances, etc.

  • Work Centre is one of the Job's available areas of work. Only the Work Centres that have been assigned to the Job will be visible.

  • EBA Profile (generally hidden in Grid Management by default) allows you or the user to select from a list of available EBA Profiles previous to the EBA Interpreter being run. You can set which profiles are available in the Users' setup (User Specified Timesheet EBA Profiles).
    The Employee’s Default EBA Profile is used to process all Timesheet transactions when EBA Interpreter is executed. However, sometimes not all rules can be included in one single Profile, so an Admin user can select a specific EBA profile (different to the Default EBA Profile), to be applied to specific Time Transactions. A typical example is for time worked outside of the normal hours or a night shift, where these hours are most commonly Time and a half and Double Time. The Admin person is aware of the time worked so he/she selects the appropriate EBA Profile to apply to those hours.
    So in the example below, EBA Interpreter would first process all those transactions that have no Profile specified, and it will apply the employee’s Default EBA Profile. Then will process the next group of transactions with the same EBA Profile specified on the Timesheet, and then the next group, and so on, until all transactions have been processed.


  • Quantity is the number of hours or allowances done. A small blue pencil will appear to the left of the quantity when comments have been left for that time entry.

  • Duplicate creates a copy of the selected line to assist with rapid entry of timesheet lines.

  • The Bin icon is used to tick which lines are to be deleted, then clicking Save. You can select multiple lines for deletion at once.

  • Manager Approved is only used in conjunction with the Daily Approval feature. If the Job Manager has approved the employee's time on their job for each day, a tick will appear in this column. This should be hidden if not being used to avoid confusion.

  • Payroll is used with Workbench's EBA module (see EBA Overview for more information). The field will show a link to View payroll outputs with the number of lines in parenthesis. Payroll lines are created after the EBA Interpreter generates lines. Clicking on this link opens up the Payroll view for the line that was clicked on. You can edit the payroll output including adding new lines in the opened window.

  • Total Hours vs. Standard Hours represent the hours that were entered in this timesheet versus the standard hours for each day that were assigned in Users when creating this employee.

  • Variance is the difference between total and standard hours, giving a quick reference for hours that may have been missed or duplicated. The general idea is that the variance should be zero at the end of the week, unless there is overtime or other circumstances.

  • Print will produce a standard report for this employee's current week, which can be saved, emailed, or printed. The upwards arrow offers additional formats for the report.

  • Prev and Next will take you to the previous or next employee in the original list of employee timesheets to approve. This helps save time navigating backwards to the list, and allows you to go from one employee to the next. The buttons will be grayed out or removed if there is no previous or next employee.

  • Messages is an excellent place to communicate between yourself and the employee, keeping a log of communication within Workbench itself rather than by phone or email.

  • Payroll is used with Workbench's EBA module (see EBA Overview for more information). Payroll lines are created after the EBA Interpreter generates lines, and can be viewed either line by line in the body, or the whole week at a time using this button. Note that new lines cannot be added in the week view, only in the transaction view.

    • In this example, you can see each line is derived from the original entry, with the Time Code being applied with its resulting Payroll Code that will be sent to the payroll software. For complex setups involving multiple EBA Profiles, the Rule column gives you insight into which profile was used to derive payroll lines from, assisting with analysis by the payroll officer.

  • Copy Timesheet is a way to copy a previous timesheet into a new week, keeping the same jobs and hours, as well as leave for long term leave.

  • New Line allows you to create a new line in the employee's timesheet.

  • Save will commit the data entered to the system. If data is missing or is incorrect, an error will be displayed in red and the document will not be saved. You must save the timesheet after ticking Complete or Approve.

  • Back will return you to the initial Admin Timesheet Entry screen. If you have unsaved data, the system will prompt you to stay and save before changing screens.

Next Steps:

Once you are satisfied with the employee timesheets, you can proceed to Batch Payroll and Batch Timesheets.

Expense Claims may also need to be processed if used by your company.

To enable Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) balance on a Timesheet check the steps [here]


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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