Employee Classes

Employee Classes


Employee Classes in Workbench are used for bands or groupings of employees based on their standard costs and default sell rates. During implementation, standard costs are developed for each desired class, with the costs being split between available Rate Types as desired.

Screen Guide:

Initial List:

The initial list hides all Inactive classes by default, but you can modify the Filter if needed. Large numbers of classes will be divided into Pages, which you can navigate through in the bottom left corner.

To add a new Employee class, click the + New Employee Class button, and to edit an existing one, click the link from the Employee Class field.

Create/Edit Employee Class:

  • Code is a unique identifier limited to five characters.

  • Description is the longer descriptive text for this class.

  • Reference is a free text field used for reporting or grouping.

  • Internal Profit GL Account nominates a different GL account for internal sales.

  • Inactive marks this class as inactive, meaning it can no longer be applied to Users, but existing assignments will remain until they are changed. Once an employee class is used in a transaction line, it cannot be deleted due to the underlying data.

  • Standard Sell Rate is the default sell rate per hour entered. See Time Transaction Pricing for more information.

  • Transfer Cost Rate is used when an employee works on a Job in a Profit Centre that is not their own. This allows you to change the cost to a different flat rate when a User works outside of their given Profit Centre. This is driven by control parameter Transfer Basis For Time.
    Check further details on how Transfer rates work here

  • Effective Before section is used if you need to update a class' rate after a specified day. To achieve this, fill in the Date you want the Effective Before fields to stop taking effect, move the current Rate values to the Effective Before Cost Rate field, then populate the Rate field with the updated rates to take effect when the Date is reached.

    • Date is the day that the Rate field will take effect over the Effective Before Cost Rate field.

    • Sell Rate is the standard sell rate that this class will have before the Date is reached

    • Transfer Cost Rate is the transfer rate to other profit centres that this class will have before the Date is reached

  • Rate Type provides several areas to split the standard cost of each class into. This gives us the ability to direct the recovery costs to different General Ledger Accounts if necessary. Additionally, each time-based Activity can selectively use or not use each of these types, and Time Codes can modify the rate of each type individually, providing for extreme flexibility for costing situations.

  • Rate is the cost per hour that will be given to the job. The Total for all types is given at the bottom.

  • Effective Before Cost Rate is the rate that will be used before the Date is reached.

  • General Ledger Account is the ledger code for the Rate Type, which can be all the same or segregated.

Next Steps:

Employee Classes are assigned to Users individually in the Employee Details tab, and can be changed freely. Note that the class used on Timesheets is not changed retroactively, only for future timesheet entries. Administrators can change the employee class on individual lines in Timesheet Administration if the Employee Class field is visible in Grid Management under the Timesheet Daily Admin selection.


Filter by label

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Process Flow:


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