Job Procurement
At the beginning of a Project, especially in businesses like Plumbing Services and Concreters, and on high-rise construction buildings, there is most likely a detailed list of materials that will be required for the whole project. This list might have been used to quote the Project. It could be created from Workbench’s Quote module (with stock items and materials) or an external estimating software, either way, it can then be imported into a Job Procurement list to order and manage as the Job progresses. A variation or extra materials/stock items can always be added later, via a Budget Variation or directly on the Procurement List.
Procurement Lists are best utilised where Jobs/Sub Jobs have a fixed quantity of materials and fixtures for a project.
The audience is mainly Site supervisors/Foremen drawing down on the procurement list for quicker/more efficient purchasing. Once the purchase requisition/order is created it typically is directed to the desired workflow for review and approval.
The audience can be:
The Admin Procurement Team making company-wide decisions on supplier and price and POs raised.
The Site Supervisors/Foreman drawing down on the procurement list themselves and creating POs.
The Site Supervisors/Foreman requesting off the Admin team quantities required from the Approved Procurement List. The purchasing is done by the Procurement Team or Project Managers.
Once the purchase requisition/order is created it typically is directed to the desired workflow for review and approval.
Benefits of Procurement Lists for the organisation:
Quick and efficient quantity draw-down ordering of material/fixtures for the procurer at the sub-job level.
Fixed quantities are ultimately fixed, so in a perfect world quantity procurement should never be short or oversupplied by sub-jobs.
In some cases, fixed quantity procurement of materials and fixtures for large sites can be claimed (Revenue) upfront. However, the ordering of procurement lists by sub-job can greatly assist with expense cashflow alleviating strain on the business finances.