Stock Requisitions

Stock Requisitions


This page lists all the Stock Requisitions generated from Job Procurement List under Purchases and provides the facility to record the Picking of the Items on the requisitions.

When using Stock Requisitions, the Location column on Job Procurement must be enabled to create a Stock Requisition. If this column is not enabled, the Stock Requisition will not be created.
Grid management: Job Procurement Detail List & Job Procurement Detail Field List



Screen Guide:

By default a list of all not completed Stock Requisitions will be displayed. Use the filters at the top right to narrow down the list or find any specific requisitions.

The check box on the left can be used to select the requsitions to be included on the Report from the Print button.

Req. No is the link to open the Stock Pick screen.

Date Requisitioned is the date the requisition was created from Job Procurement List

Collection Date is the date set in the Stock Pick screen that reflects when all the items were collected by the user from the warehouse or stock location.

In Pick will display a tick when changes have been made on the Stock Pick lines.

Complete displays a tick when the whole requisition has been completed and no further action is required with it.



Process Flow:

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