Stock Locations

Stock Locations


In Workbench, Stock is managed by Location with every transaction belonging to a Location. Locations in turned are defined by Jobs that are marked as having a Job Type of Stock (or whichever type is defined in the Control Parameters as the Stock Job Type). When you create a Stock Location on this screen, Workbench will attempt to use a Job Template that has a Job Type of Stock to create a unique job for each location.

Screen Guide:


  • Code is the shorthand identifier of this location, and is also the link to the Job Maintenance for the location's Job.

  • Description is the longer descriptive text for the location.

  • Company is the Company that this stock location belongs under - generally an internal company.

  • Type is the Job Type that has been defined in Control Parameters in Stock Job Type as the type for stock jobs.

  • Profit Centre defines which Profit Centre the location should be created under.

  • Site Location can be used to track the phisical location of a Stock Location for those that are mobile ones like a Fuel Tan or Contains that keep parts in it. The Locations available to select are the same Locations used in Plant Locations.

  • Stock Control Account is used for both Debit and Credit transactions dependent on whether you are purchasing stock (Dr) or issuing stock (Cr). You can have a different Control Account for each stock location. GL Prefix or Suffix on the Profit Centre is ignored.

  • Stock Adjustment Account is used if a Stock Adjustment Batch is unbalanced, then the resulting write on / write off will be posted to the Stock Adjustment Account for the Stock Location in question, being the full account code string for the Stock Adjustment Account.

  • Inactive is used when a location is no longer in use. Locations cannot be deleted, but they can be renamed.

If you do not have a correct Job Template that uses STOCK as the Job Type, the following error will appear:

Navigate to Job Template List in another tab and create an appropriate template, then try saving again.

Next Steps:

After your location is created, you can edit the newly created stock job in Job Maintenance by clicking on the Code.

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Stock List


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