Bulk Order Creation
The next step in the process after having approved Purchase Requisitions is to convert them into a Purchase Order that can be sent to the supplier to acquire the goods or services.
Purchase Orders can be created from Purchase Requisitions with a status of Approved or Partially Created PO.
A procurer or any user with the right permissions can create a Purchase Order from multiple lines belonging to different Purchase Requisitions. PR lines can be combined into one single PO or multiple POs.
The purpose of using this screen rather than the Purchase Order Creation screen, is to assist the procurement teams to leverage their purchasing power and get better deals when purchasing larger amounts from the same supplier, by combining multiple requests in one Purchase Order.
Screen Guide:
It is important to notice that the list displays PR lines rather than PR headers. Apply the filters required to find the appropriate lines.
Tick the required lines (Select column) to select PR lines. Some tickboxes may be disabled if the line already has a PO line, or the PR is not approved.
+ Add to PO: To add the lines in an existing unapproved PO, find the unapproved PO in the search box and use the Add to PO.
+ Create New PO: To create a new PO, select the lines, click on Create New PO, and complete the required fields to create a PO. The PO number will be displayed on the respective lines. The PO Number is a hyperlink to the PO where the PR line was added to.
Remove all PO Lines: you can select the unapproved PO from the search box and click the [Remove All PO Lines] button to remove all the PR lines that have been added to the PO. It will remove them all, it does not take into account the selected lines. Alternatively, navigate to the PO and remove the lines individually.
Next Steps:
Once Purchase Orders are created, continue with the standard purchasing process in the POs screen, and send the POs to your suppliers.
Related Pages:
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: