Image Documents

Image Documents



Workbench has partnered with an image recognition and processing service called Xtracta. This allows companies to train the interface to recognise fields in repeat supplier invoices resulting in time-saving automation for high volume purchasing. The image recognition ties in to Workbench's AP Voucher module, and as such they are often explained in tandem.

The goal of using Xtracta is to significantly reduce the time required when processing AP Invoices. By scanning header and line-level detail through Xtracta we can automatically create Vouchers. In the voucher, the user can then link the lines from the original pdf document to Purchase Order lines, Docket lines, or even create manual voucher lines. The original PDF is attached to the voucher screen removing the need for a user to print out the document or open the document in another window.


Configuration & Setup


For the technical setup guide, please see Data Extraction Downloader.

Screen Guide

This screen is used to review and process documents that have been emailed to the Xtracta email address.


  • Usage chart depicts the number of documents used from the current bundle and the balance available before top-up of the bundle is required. The email address is displayed for convenience.

  • Doc ID: The code of the document.

  • Received: Date of receiving.

  • Status of the document:

    • In progress

    • Indexing

    • Complete: Validated image documents (currently only AP Invoices / credits) display a 'view' link that opens the voucher details popup.

    • Training

    • Reject: Rejected documents display a 'check' link that displays the Image Document popup for extraction remedial actions.

    • Error

    • Cancelled

  • Doc Type: displays the document type.

  • Doc date, Company, Tax number, Ref number are field extracted from the image document.

  • A coloured indicator highlights those suppliers whose invoice format is anticipated to require training:

    • Red – Requires 3 or 4 further documents

    • Amber – Requires 2 further documents

    • Yellow – Requires 1 further documents

    • Clear – Should be fully trained

  • The Refresh button gives you a view of the current state, instead of waiting for the scheduled downloader refresh.