Create/Edit Work Order

Create/Edit Work Order


Work Orders (WOs) are essentially Purchase Orders (POs) specifically made for Subcontracts and therefore can only be created after you have created a Subcontract. They act as a schedule for your subcontractor to claim from; you can create multiple WOs per subcontract, and Subcontract Variation Requests are issued as WOs. WOs can contain lines that schedule the subcontractor to claim a percentage of the work done (a quantity of one), or a specified number of items to deliver, or even a total based on meters achieved.

WOs have a different numbering series than POs so that they can be easily differentiated. You can set the numbering sequence based on a Global, Financial Company, Location, or Profit Centre basis in Settings → Next Work Order Number.

WOs can be reached in several ways:

Screen Guide:

General Tab

  • WO Number automatically populates after clicking Save based on the Next Work Order Number in Settings.

  • Location defaults to the user's Profit Centre (set in Users by the system admin).

  • Subcontract is which existing subcontract this WO should sit under. This field may automatically be filled in if the Work Order screen is already filtered for a specific subcontract.

  • Subcontractor is the supplier Company of the Subcontract.

  • WO Type is the category of WO that this will sit under. The type will be pre-populated if you navigate here from a List screen with a specific type in the filter, otherwise, it will default to Original Contract for the first WO of a subcontract and Approved Variations for each one after:

    • Original Contract - meant for the original scope of works

    • Approved Variations - a type for any approved changes or additions of scope

    • Recharges - a place to transfer (or recharge) part or all of the remaining works to another WO or PO. This type usually contains negative WOs to reduce the expected commitment to this subcontract.

    • Subcontract Contingency - you can place contingency amounts here for future allocation.

    • Unapproved Variations - variations that are not ready to be approved can be entered as unapproved, ensuring they cannot be claimed.

  • Contact may be selected from the dropdown list of People associated with the Supplier, if previously entered in the system. New contacts cannot be entered here, but they can be added via Lists → People. Adding a contact in this field will bring their contact details automatically into the printed WO report.

  • Purchaser is the person who is responsible for this Work Order - this person can be different from the person doing the data entry.

  • Approver is available once the WO is saved. The list of approvers is determined by their User settings: Work Order value must be within their set WO Approval Limit. If the user you anticipate does not appear in this list, try to determine if they have appropriate authority from the system admin.

    • Where WOs are approved through the standard process, further details regarding the approval are displayed when hovering over the info icon. Workflow-based approvals are visible in the usual manner from the WF/Msg button.

  • Approved By is only populated when a user clicks Approve.

  • Currency is the Currency that this subcontractor uses.

  • WO Date defaults to today's date but may be changed. This field is meant to be when the PO is created, but in certain situations, the company may need this to change. Please be aware of PO accruals and period cutoff dates if changing this field.

  • Year/Period is determined by the WO Date. Work Orders follow the same cutoff restrictions from Period End Maintenance as Purchase Orders.

  • Complete is a tickbox that only activates once the WO has been fully consumed, or has been forcefully completed.
    To uncomplete a WO, the user must uncomplete one or more lines. Clicking on the Wor Order header Complete check box will not uncomplete it. As long as the user has the right permission to uncomplete a WO Line, the Work Order will be automatically uncompleted once the chnages on the line have been saved.

  • Comments is a free-text section that can be utilised in a variety of ways. Keep in mind that this field is displayed on the printed WO document. This field can include delivery instructions, handling instructions, notes for the subcontractor's project management or administration teams, etc.

Other Tab

  • Entered By defaults to the Full Name of the logged-in user and is not editable.

  • Financial Company is the Financial Company of the supplier being used as the Subcontractor.

  • WO Reference is an optional field that is not required but can be utilised for quote numbers, key identifiers, or any other situation where the company requires another field of data for analysis.

  • Claimed Value This WO is the total value that has been claimed for this WO.

  • Estimate Reference is another optional reference field. If this WO was imported from a budget, it will bring in the estimate reference field here.

  • Required Date can be used to note when the subcontractor is expected to deliver the goods or execute the subcontract.

  • Standing WO is a checkbox that when ticked, prevents this WO from being consumed by claims. This will cause the WO to have an indefinite end and allow the subcontractor to continually claim its value.

Addresses Tab

  • Job defaults to the Job that the Subcontract was created under. This determines the options under Address Title based on the Company's address settings.

  • Address Title will display by default the selected Job site address. This can be changed by selecting another address from the dropdown or manually overwriting the address field below.

  • Delivery Address displays the details of the selected Address Title, but can manually be overridden. This field displays in the printed report as the delivery address.

Lines & Buttons

  • Job - the Jobs listed are restricted to those with a Profit Centre belonging to the Profit Centre Group of the logged-in User. If you enter a job in the Job field in the Addresses Tab, that job will be automatically populated in this field, but you can overwrite it with a different one.

  • Activity includes all 'Subcontract', 'Purchase', and 'Stock' Type Activities that are included in the Job Activity Group, if present. Job Activity Groups are derived from Job Maintenance which cannot be edited here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, the group may need to be changed or is not allowed on this job. In the unlikely event that the Job Activity Group was not populated, all allowed Activities will be listed. Any Activities in the Control Parameter ''Hidden Activities" will never be listed.

  • Work Centre defaults to the one set up in the Activity Group activity, so long as it is allowed as a Work Centre on the Job (this can be modified in Job Maintenance).

  • Description defaults to the Activity Description and is freely editable if the default is not accurate for the order. This field is limited to 50 characters.

  • Details is optional free text and appears as subtext below the description when printing the WO. This is useful for specifications of the WO line if needed to aid the supplier in identifying what is required. This field is limited to 2000 characters.

  • Line Code is the schedule code given to this line. This can be 1, 2, 3, or 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, or A, B, C, etc. This helps you and the subcontractor define what is being claimed.

  • Unit is used as a unit of measurement, e.g. m/m3/kg/etc. It can be manually entered as free text.

  • Rate is the cost per item being ordered on this line. It is updated automatically if a value is entered in the Cost column.

  • Quantity is the number of items being ordered on this line. If the line is a percentage, this should be "1".

  • Cost by default is the product of Unit Rate x Quantity. It can be manually entered/changed and will affect the Unit Rate.

  • Outstanding Quantity is the remaining net quantity expected to be processed against the order line.

  • Outstanding Cost is the remaining net value expected to be processed.

  • GST defaults from the Activity and is hidden by default on Grid Management.

  • GST Type defaults from the Activity and is hidden by default on Grid Management.

  • Budget is a link to the Budget from which this WO line was created. If the WO line was not generated from a Budget, there will be no link displayed. This column is hidden by default.

  • Complete will designate that this line is cancelled or no longer going to be claimed. Do not tick this if you are simply finished with entering the data in the line!

  • The double-box icon will Duplicate the selected line in its entirety. This is useful for creating multiple similar lines with small changes between them.

  • Delete is selected when a line is to be deleted. Deletion will occur once the box has been ticked and the "Save" button has been clicked. Multiple lines can be deleted at once.

  • New Line presents a new line for the order. Alternatively, a new line can be created by tabbing through each field until you reach the next row. If you mistakenly create an additional line, use the Delete checkbox to remove it before saving or the system will present an error.


  • Print results in the default WO report to be generated. The arrow allows for alternative formats to be used. Please submit a customisation request if none of the default reports matches your expectations. Use the "Send" button after clicking print to email the WO report to the subcontractor or other stakeholders.
    Use the Send button after clicking print to email the WO report to the subcontractor and other stakeholders.
    It is recommended to set up Contacts for each subcontractor, with an email address where the WO can be emailed to. This way, if you select a contact on the WO, the email address will be auto populated with the Contact's email address on the email screen when the WO is sent out.

  • Report Text allows for header and footer data to be entered.

  • Import allows the user to import data from a .csv or excel file, which is useful if you have a large number of lines. Note that the columns and fields must match exactly what the system is expecting.

  • Attachments allows documents to be attached to the WO, such as specifications, emails, or quotes. These attachments remain attached to the WO indefinitely unless the WO is deleted.

  • Delete is used to delete the WO in its entirety. The WO cannot be deleted if it has been used in a Subcontract Claim. Do not use this if you simply want to delete one line - refer to Delete above if this is your intention.

  • Approve will, if your user has a correct approval limit set in Settings, approve the WO under your name. If you have assigned an approver in the General section, and your user has the ability to approve on behalf of others, this button will approve the WO under that person's name. Once a WO is approved, it can be unapproved by an authorised user using the Unapprove button.

  • Unapprove removes the approval from this document, allowing it to be modified. This can be restricted in the Roles settings on a User basis.

  • Save will commit the data entered to the system. If data is missing or is incorrect, an error will be displayed in red and the document will not be saved. The WO Number will not be generated until the document is saved. WOs can be saved without lines, but must have data in the General section.

Administrator Note:

Standard Work Order behaviour disables editing of any WO line that has been claimed, even when the WO is Unapproved. A permission 'Edit claimed WO line' is available that allows WO lines to be edited even after claiming. Changes made to these lines will not recalculate past subcontract claims. Grant this with caution as the WO line value is the baseline for claims going forward, while past claims would have been against the previous WO line value, potentially causing confusion both internally and with the subcontractor. This permission IS NOT granted to any role by default and must be explicitly granted by a system administrator.

Next Steps:

Now that you have a Work Order for the subcontract, you may wish to create other Subcontracts or make a Subcontract Claim.


Uncomplete a Work Order?

To uncomplete a WO, the user must uncomplete one or more lines. Clicking on the Wor Order header Complete check box will not uncomplete it. As long as the user has the right permission to uncomplete a WO Line, the Work Order will be automatically uncompleted once the chnages on the line have been saved.


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There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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