Plant Rate Codes

Plant Rate Codes


Plant Items can have multiple rates attached to each one and determine the cost of usage of the when Plant is issued to the job and the selling rate where the plant usage is billed to an external party using Price Codes.

Plant Rate Codes are created here in a global list that can then be assigned as appropriate to each individual Plant Item.

Rate Codes allow you to vary the rate for which you wish to cost individual equipment items and Rate Codes can be made up of a number of up to 3 components which can be mapped to different recovery accounts (Base, Overhead, Other).

Suggested usage of the 3 rate components is:

  • Base - Machine Charge

  • Overhead - Factor to cover Repairs & Maintenance

  • Other - Fuel Component where you are charging equipment inclusive of fuel.

Examples of Rate Codes could be:

  • Hourly Hire

  • Hourly Hire ex Fuel

  • Idle Hire

  • Off Hire

A Plant Item may have multiple Rate Codes attached, e.g. the plant may be costed on an hourly rate or a day rate in different circumstances.

Screen Guide:

You can create additional codes by clicking + New Line.

  • Code is the shorthand code given for the rate.

  • Unit is the unit of measurement that this code represents.

  • Description is the longer description of the code.

  • Base Rate is used if you want this code to have a standard base rate applied to all plant items it is used for. If you want to set the rate for each individual plant, you can do that when setting each one up.

  • Overhead Rate is used if there is an overhead portion of the plant rate that you want applied using a different GL code. Like Base Rate, this is applied to all plant items that use this code, but you can leave it at zero and specify the rate for each plant.

  • Other Rate is a miscellaneous other category to separate costs to another GL.

  • CR GL Account Base Rate uses the entered General Ledger credit account code for the Base Rate portion of costs.

  • CR GL Account Overhead Rate uses the entered General Ledger credit account code for the Overhead Rate portion of costs.

  • CR GL Account Other Rate uses the entered General Ledger credit account code for the Other Rate portion of costs.

  • Internal Profit GL Code uses the entered General Ledger credit account code for internal transactions.

Next Steps:

Once you've created or updated a code, it can be applied to individual Plant Items by clicking on the piece of plant and navigating to the Plant Rates tab.



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