Plant Classes
Plant Classes provide a second level of grouping of Plant Items for filtering and reporting purposes and must be attached to a Plant Group. Therefore, when filtering on a Plant Group only those Plant Classes attached to the selected Plant Group will display for selection. Plant Classes are an optional field when entering Plant Items.
Screen Guide:
Class Code * is the shorthand code up to 10 characters to represent the class.
Description * is the longer description of the class.
Plant Group is the Plant Group that you want this class linked to. The class can only be used by this group once it is selected in Plant Items.
Default Plant Rate where you can pick up an existing Plant Rate Codes as the default for the class.
Cost $: is the cost of the Plant class
Markup % is the percent value of the markup of the Plant class.
Sell $ is the sell rate of the Plant class.
Activity is the default Plant Activity that will be populated and can be changed.
Quote a Plant Class or Plant group instead of a specific Plant Item:
When creating a quotation for job, if the specific plant item is unknown, but the type of plant required is certain, the Quotes module functionality allows you to use a Plant Group or a Plant Class in a Costsheet (At Revenue & Cost Element, At Cost Element formats), instead of having to select a specific Plant Item.
The defined values of Plant Classes on this screen (such as Plant Rate, Cost, Markup, Sell, and Activity) that will automatically populate the corresponding Cost Sheet line.
Use the + New Plant Class button to add a new line, and the arrow buttons to navigate between pages.
Next Steps:
Once created, the class can immediately be attached to a Plant Item with the corresponding Plant Group.
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: