Plant Assignments

Plant Assignments


Plant Assignments are used to group Plant Items together and facilitate the bulk issuing of plant in Plant Issues. This is useful when specific items are assigned to a particular job for an extended period of time.

Screen Guide:

The initial list shows existing assignments. You can edit or view the details of these existing assignments by clicking on the Assignment link of the desired line. Use the + New Assignment to create a new one.

Main Tab:

  • Number is the system number assigned to the assignment once it is saved.

  • Description is the identifier for users to know what the assignment contains.

  • Status defaults to Entered, and is changed to Approved when the assignment is approved, and finally Closed when the assignment has finished.

  • No Stand Downs prevents plant from being stood down by Plant Stand Downs.

  • Job can be selected and it will default on all new lines in the Lines tab.

  • Approver is the user that approved the assignment.

  • Frequency can be changed between Daily, Weekly, and Monthly, and should guide the population of the Rate and Qty fields in the Lines Tab.

  • Comment is a free text field that can be populated with relevant information about the assignment.

  • Print button displays all reports with a report type Plant Assignment.

    • Historical Hire Schedule which displays all plant including returned items.

    • Summary Hire Schedule, which shows the list plant items which is currently assigned.

Lines Tab:


These are the lines that will be inserted when generating bulk Plant Issues.

  • Plant is the Plant Item being issued.

  • Job is the Job you want to issue the plant to.

  • Rate sets a new default Plant Rate Code set for the Plant item selected. This should be compatible with the Frequency of issue and the Qty field.

  • Unit is determined by the Rate selected.

  • Activity defaults based on the Plant selected but can be changed if needed.

  • Work Centre is the Work Centre you want the plant to be issued to by default. This can be changed during the issuing process if needed.

  • Issued To nominates a default User to issue the plant to.

  • Start/End Date are the beginning and end date range that this plant should be assigned to the job. These dates can be the same for all items in the assignment or staggered. End Date is optional.

  • Qty is the number of Units that will be issued, and should be compatible with the Frequency field in the Main Tab.

  • Comment is a standard comment you want associated with this plant item.

  • Off indicates that the plant is currently off hire. "Off hire" means that the equipment is not currently being rented or used and should not be issued for any tasks or projects. Essentially, it's out of service temporarily or permanently. It should not be issued while this field is ticked.

  • Returned indicates what plant is still physically present at the site but is no longer needed for the current task or project and requires to transport back to original location or renter place.

  • Delete, allows the deletion of lines as long as there are no plant issues recorded against them. (i.e. JobTransactions.SourceID = PlantAssignmentPlantLines.PlantAssignmentLineID and also matching on Job, Activity and Plant Item)

Next Steps:

Once you Save an assignment, the Approve button will appear, allowing you to approve the assignment for use.

Assignments are used in Plant Issues under the Assignment Bulk Issue option.

In order to manage large volumes of active Plant Assignments, when finalising a Job, this will automatically set the Assignment status to Closed. When a Job’s Finalised Date is set, this will trigger the validation of any existing active assignment lines (where the end date is empty or after the finalised date entered on the job) and show an error if any active lines exist and will display the list of active lines that need to be edited and an End Date must be set before finalising the Job.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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