Plant Meters
A Plant Meter is used to record usage of Plant Items, and provides the basis for a range of functions in the plant module including the timing of required servicing. A Plant Item can have multiple meters attached to it e.g. a Kilometer-based meter and an Hour-based meter.
This screen is used to create the types of meters that you will be using for your plant.
Screen Guide:
To create additional meters, click + New and fill in the new line.
Meter Code is the shorthand code for the meter.
Description is the longer description of the meter.
Details is a space for additional details about the meter.
Meter Type can be either Calendar Days for date-based meters, or Reading for meters that are measured periodically like hours or kilometers.
Units is the unit of measurement for the line.
Clock Value is the default reading at which this meter will "clock."
The Bin column can be ticked to delete unused meters, but if data has been entered using this line, it cannot be deleted.
Next Steps:
Once you have your Plant Meters, they can be utilised in individual Plant Items in the Meters Tab.
Related Pages:
Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.
Process Flow: