


Adjustments are used to enter adjusting cost transactions which can be exported to your financials as General Ledger Journals. They can also be given Retail values and sold in Input Based AR Invoices. This interface starts with the Batch, with entries within each batch.

Common uses of Adjustments include:

  • Entering opening balances when implementing Workbench with no intention of exporting amounts

  • Transferring of costs from one work breakdown sequence to another

  • Journaling costs into Workbench that have already been entered in the Financial System

Note that a more focused way of transferring costs is available in Job Transactions Transfer, and bulk reallocations in Job Transactions Reallocation.

Screen Guide:

Initial Screen:

We are first presented with a list of Adjustment Batches for the current period. You can adjust the Filter to show previous or closed batches.

The grid shows information about existing batches, with the Batch No serving as a hyperlink to the Batch Entry screen and the blue ellipsis button containing the link to edit the batch itself.

To enter data, we need to first create a new batch by clicking the New Batch button.

Create/Edit Batch:

The creation interface gives us the option of which Batch Date (and corresponding Period) that we want to enter data into. We also must give it a Reference and attribute it to a Financial Company. If Reversing is ticked, then the system will automatically create a reversing batch on the next Period, after this batch has been exported. Once Create Batch is clicked, the batch will appear in the initial screen.

If we used the Edit Batch link from the blue ellipsis button, the following popup will appear:

Here we can easily Close the batch or mark it as Not For Export, as well as update the Reference and Batch Notes.

Batch Entry:


The Batch Entry screen is reached by clicking on the Batch No in the Batch List. Here we can click + New Line to add adjustment entries in the batch Period.

  • Date is the Transaction Date that this adjustment line will reflect against.

  • Job Code allows you to select from your Jobs as the starting point to determine the adjustment's location in the work breakdown structure.

  • Activity selects from allowed Activities for the Job Code.

  • Work Centre selects from allowed Work Centres in the Job Maintenance View of the Job Code.

  • Quantity is the number of units for this adjustment.

  • Cost is the total cost for the adjustment. Note that the system will not multiply the Quantity and Cost fields so you must put the total of each in their fields.

  • Retail is the total amount that this adjustment is intended to be sold for in Input Based Selling. If the line isn't meant to be sold, this can remain at 0.

  • Line Description should describe the adjustment, if not already done so through the default Activity.

  • Details is a field to add optional detail to give more context for the adjustment.

Use the Attachments button to add any files or correspondence related to this adjustment.

Foreign Currency:

Adjustments can be specified in foreign currency by setting the Control Parameter "Use Foreign Currency" to Yes. This flag allows a foreign currency to be selected while also displaying the respective exchange rate. The domestic currency is the default. Adjustment values are then specified in the stipulated currency.

Date outside of the batch period:

Depending on the financial system Workbench integrates with, it may or may not be appropriate to have transactions dated outside of the batch period. To handle these scenarios the system draws the users' attention to these lines rather than disallowing their entry. When a batch line is dated outside of the batch period, the line is highlighted in red and it is up to the user to act on this warning.
Note that Adjustments use the Other Period definition from Period End Maintenance.


Next Steps:

After entering all desired lines, you can Save the batch and then Return to Batch List. The batch can then be closed in the Edit Batch window, and exported in Export Control. All adjustments for a job can be viewed in the Job Enquiry Transactions screen.

It is important to remember that unbalanced journals (where the total cost of the batch does not equal 0) cannot be exported to the Financial System. These should be marked as Not for Export.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

Process Flow:

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